The Classroom Teacher
Central Idea: Passion, purpose or curiosity inspire us to lead and take action.
セントラルアイデア - 人は自分が持つパッション、才能、知識からインスピレーションを受け行動を起こすことができま
The classroom teachers support students in a variety ways throughout the Exhibition experience.
The classroom teacher's roles and responsibilities:
understands the purpose and requirements of the exhibition
provides clear guidelines for the exhibition
initiates, facilitates and guides the exhibition process
plans collaboratively with other teachers and mentors
supports student inquiries and ensures individual participation and well-being by considering student interests, needs and prior knowledge
communicates regularly with students, mentors and the learning community
develops essential agreements with students regarding academic honesty to ensure they show responsibility in learning and are principled in using resources
encourages students to use a balance of primary and secondary resources
evaluates the exhibition process
documents the process, including ongoing reflection
enables students to feel able to take action as a result of their exhibition inquiry
acts as a mentor when required or appropriate
celebrates the exhibition with students
Source: International Baccaulaureate Organization (2018). PYP: From Principles into Practice: The learner.