Teachers should aim to:
Identify why students are learning subject material and make it relevant to pupils by relating content to career possibilities and employment pathways
Relating careers to LMI and future employment prospects, especially in STEAM subjects
Utilise videos or media to explore specific careers related to subject content (see i-could.com)
Use CAREEROMETER to research jobs in lessons - quick and effective
Relate lesson content to your subjects web pages on this site. Base a homework or activity around the information!
Relate activities to key employability skills in lessons where possible
Provide the opportunity for students to explore and develop interests in careers through subject based activities
Ensure students are aware of their subjects careers webpage on the Hastings website
Capitalise upon relevant news items to showcase careers related to subject material being covered in class
Provide a careers based homework task, such as researching a famous person including their education, interests or past jobs they have had
Research careers your subject could lead to
Update your subject careers provision documentation Subject careers provision records
Get a guest speaker to come in from a local university/business/college/contact. Or even do a virtual live event as part of a lesson!
Invite an ex-pupil in to talk about their career journey or study pathway to inspire your learners!
Talk about your own career pathway and interests
Invite in a teacher from a local college to promote your (their) subject!
Please also refer to the subject specific resources below!
Produce a subject video like the one MFL have made to promote your subject
Update your careers display board
Update your SoW to include careers
More guidance on how to improve your careers provision can be found here
To find out about specific careers and entry routes into them click here (useful for supporting students who ask questions)!
STEM teaching ideas

My Learning, My Future resources
Loads of subject specific resources, including some great/quick homework/online learning tasks for for the subjects indicated here. A History example is provided to the right.
Created by the Careers & Education Company My Learning, My Future provides a suite of resources for the delivery of Gatsby Benchmark 4 in subject areas. More resources are being added all of the time so please check back!
Gatsby Benchmark 4 Information
T-Levels Information

Amazing Apprenticeships: Think Apprenticeships Subject Films
You can find full lesson resources for a range of subjects to link learning to apprenticeships: https://amazingapprenticeships.com/subject-led-bundles/
Made by Dyslexia Training
Learn Dyslexia
One single day can make a world of difference to the outcomes of the 1 in 5 dyslexic learners
in every classroom.
That’s why Made By Dyslexia is launching the ‘Learn Dyslexia’ campaign and asking every
school across the world to allow every teacher to #TakeADayForDyslexia and skill up using
our FREE online training.
• The training is free – no budget needed
• It’s online and available to all, on demand
• It can be completed on specific training days, or individually on-demand with no cover costs
Access training at www.madebydyslexia.org/learndyslexia
Other useful teaching resource links:
Business Studies
PWC Case Study Challenge download
Marketing History - lots of useful links & ideas!
Success at school - teaching ideas
UK Music Careers Pack - to ensure all UK learners are aware of the array of music related careers
STEM activities all years
SEVERN TRENT - book out the Digibus!
CPD Opportunities
OpenLearn: Badge Courses
Badges demonstrate interest in a subject, evidence of professional development or a commitment to studies. Badged courses are highly engaging and cover a range of core subjects and professional competencies essential for the modern workplace.