Labour market information

Labour Market Information (LMI)  education aims to develop awareness of local employment trends both locally and nationally in both the shorter and longer terms. Understanding of Labour Market Information is essential in making informed employment and career decisions, and can improve both job security and long term career opportunities. More information about local LMI can be found here

Students gain understanding of LMI through assemblies and presentations that form part of the pastoral and careers programme, and are focused upon in careers week activities.

Infographics and displays around the school reinforce awareness of LMI. 

Students in KS4  are provided with a copy of the "World of Work" Leicestershire a copy of which is downloadable here

LLEP-WOW-GUIDE-LEICS-2022-23-web (1).pdf
X0618 LLEP Area Profile - Hinckley and Bosworth 03.pdf

Compare Jobs by typing the job title in the CAREEROMETER below. Discover average salary, job details, & LMI growth forecasts (will this job be in demand in the future) and more!


SE Midlands Apr 2021

Which areas are growing locally? Where will the most employment opportunities be in the future?

Green Careers Hub March 2023

Green Careers Hub LMI Mar23
Skills Gap Trend Report 2021.pdf
IMI - Annual Sector baseline report 2021 Final1_0.pdf