Lists Challenges 2

Complete the 9+ challenges, see the started code on Replit Teams.

  1. Follow the instructions to open a file to write to

  2. Follow the instructions to read from a file

    • Separate using commas

    • Turn data into an integer list

    • Call function to perform all tests

        • Pass the list and the file as parameters

    • Break out of loop if no more data, or error getting next line

    • Close the files

  3. Calculate the sum of the data

  4. Calculate the average value of the data

  5. Find the maximum value of the data

  6. Find the minimum value of the data

  7. Find the range of the data

  8. Find the index of the maximum value of the data

  9. Find the index of the minimum value of the data

  10. *extra credit* Find the second largest value of the data

data.txt contents:

5, -3, 3, 25, 33, 4, 3, -6, 0, 12

4, -4, 8, 26, 20, 4, 6, -10, 0, 10, 2


-5, -10, -15, -20, -25, -30, -35, -40, -45, -50

results.txt contents:

All Results for: [5, -3, 3, 25, 33, 4, 3, -6, 0, 12]

Sum of all elements: 76

Average value of all elements: 7.6

Max element in list: 33

Min element in list: -6

Range of elements: 39

Max index in list: 4

Min index in list: 7

2nd largest in list: 25


All Results for: [4, -4, 8, 26, 20, 4, 6, -10, 0, 10, 2]

Sum of all elements: 66

Average value of all elements: 6.0

Max element in list: 26

Min element in list: -10

Range of elements: 36

Max index in list: 3

Min index in list: 7

2nd largest in list: 20


All Results for: [3]

Sum of all elements: 3

Average value of all elements: 3.0

Max element in list: 3

Min element in list: 3

Range of elements: 0

Max index in list: 0

Min index in list: 0

2nd largest in list: No second value


All Results for: [-5, -10, -15, -20, -25, -30, -35, -40, -45, -50]

Sum of all elements: -275

Average value of all elements: -27.5

Max element in list: -5

Min element in list: -50

Range of elements: 45

Max index in list: 0

Min index in list: 9

2nd largest in list: -10
