Friday, Sept. 16th

Grade: 9-12

Topic: Homecoming Friday Frenzy

  • Objective: Students will participate in a Friday Frenzy activity

ASCA Mindset & Behaviors Standard(s): B-SS 6. Effective collaboration and cooperation skills B-SS 9. Social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment.


  • Friday Frenzy questions


  1. Questions will come to you via e-mail at the beginning of Connections. Project questions on the screen.

  2. Students will work together to answer questions to the best of their ability - - without the use of phones or laptops. Have students guess on any they don't know.

  3. E-mail answers to Mrs. Valline (make a copy of the form if you use that - with your Name).

  4. Prizes for each grade level to be awarded Monday!