Juniors 1/9

Grade 10

Title: Procrastination

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors Standard (s) B-LS 3: Use time -management, organization and study skills B-LS 4: Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning

Goal Statement: Students will understand the reason behind procrastination and how to prevent it


    • Tim Urban's Ted Talk (14:03)


    1. Introduction: Do It Now - (Below) Video Poem (2:17)

3. Reflection Questions:

    • Now, with your partner, decide what the top three key points or concepts from Tim's talk were.

    • Explain/review the following:

      • instant gratification monkey

      • dark playground

      • panic monster

      • everyone is a procrastinator

      • value of deadlines

    • How can you improve on procrastination? Why is this important as you finish high school/move on after high school?