Seniors 8/29


Topic: Mental Health

Objective: Students will learn the importance of seeking help/support if they or someone they are close to is suffering from a mental health-related issue.

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors Standard (s): M 1: Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well being.


    • Slideshow (below)


1. Review slideshow with students.

2. Group Discussion :

        • How might you help a close friend that is having some dark thoughts or has been feeling "down" for an extended period of time?

        • Why don't most people see help/support for mental illness?

        • Why does saying things like, "I am so depressed." or "Don't act so psycho!" make stigma's worse?

3. Pull up the links below to show students resources available (there are many, more...but these are some great ones). Encourage students to access these on their own or take a picture of them to access later.

Calm App


Your Life Your Voice

Teen Wellness


Mental Health