Initial Dashboard Display

Dashboard Generator

When you log into the Reporting System, the first thing you see is the dashboard generator. This is where you can select which test groups you'd like to populate your initial dashboard display. Check or uncheck the test groups, scroll to the bottom button and select "Go to Dashboard."

Changing Reporting Time Period

CRS - Changing Reporting Time Period .mp4

You can change the reporting time period when initially logging in to the system by clicking on the hyperlink. Select the appropriate school year. It is recommended to select the last day of the testing window when entering the date for the "View results for students who were mine on:" field. (5/6/22 for spring test window, 7/8/22 for summer test window.)

To change the reporting time period once interacting within the portal, you can change the reporting time period from the Features & Tools section in the upper right of the window to reflect the test administration window you would like to view.

Orientation to the Dashboard

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When you log into the Reporting System, the first thing you see is the dashboard where you can view overall test results for some or all of your test groups. From there, you can navigate to a report listing individual tests.

The data that is housed in the CRS includes OST, OSTs (OGT), AASCD, Benchmark, Checkpoint, OELPA and OELPS. The assessments and grade levels you can see is dependent on your user role/access and also on which students are present in test administration/groups. You can see in this case/illustration, this is a district reporting user’s (DRU) access of the data. While various assessment data sources are housed in the CRS, and there will be a similar feel to the reporting within each, some reporting is not available due to test design. As an example– you will not see all of the same reports for OST as AASCD, even though the data is housed in the same location and has a similar design within the platform. The AASCD does not produce item level data reporting.

Reviewing Aggregate Data

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All users see the standard dashboard. It displays an aggregation card for each test group. A typical test group comprises a single test type, a single subject, and all grades. Each aggregation card displays the test group name, a list of grades included, the number of students who took tests in the group, the date of the test last taken, and a performance distribution bar displaying both percentages and student counts below it. This indicates the percentage and number of students who scored at each performance level (for the district, school, or grade level– depending on your level of access (who took that assessment)-- so you can easily get a pulse on overall performance of students.

You may sometimes see the message “Data cannot be aggregated together for this group of tests” instead of the performance distribution bar for tests that do not report performance distribution, or that use different sets of performance levels. Test group cards are sorted by date last taken. Clicking the (i) button beside the performance distribution bar displays a legend with more information about performance levels.

CRS - Reviewing Aggregated Data .mp4

Filtering Test Group and Reason

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By default, the dashboard is filtered to display only summative assessments, unless no summatives are available, in which case all assessments are displayed. You can change the test groups and test reasons that appear using the Filters panel on the left. If a message appears saying “There are no assessments to display”, there may be no assessments taken in your current reporting time period, or you may have filtered out all data.

Test rosters reasons can be customized so that you can easily find data within the dashboard system.

Printing and Exporting Data

CRS - Printing and Exporting Data .mp4