Customizing Reports

Filter Panel: Manage Test Reasons

CRS: Manage Test Reasons.mp4

The left side of the dashboard contains a filters panel. What is available in the filter panel may vary by your user role. This is where the user can expand and filter displayed data to include a specific test group (district, building, and school users), test reason (district, building, and school users, roster categories (school and teacher users), and/or buildings (district-level users).

Assessments may include: Ohio State Tests (OST), OGT, OELPS, OELPA, AASCD, and Benchmark and Checkpoint Tests.

The test reasons from the state are identified by the test administration window (i.e., Fall 2021, Spring 2022, etc.). Test reasons for benchmark and checkpoint tests (i.e., pre-instruction and post instruction) can be identified when administering the test to students or after testing within the CRS.

Assessments may include: Ohio State Tests (OST), OGT, OELPS, OELPA, AASCD, and Benchmark and Checkpoint Tests.

The test reasons from the state are identified by the test administration window (i.e., Fall 2021, Spring 2022, etc.). Test reasons for benchmark and checkpoint tests (i.e., pre-instruction and post instruction) can be identified when administering the test to students or after testing within the CRS.

To change the test reason, after testing, within the CRS:

  1. Click on Features & Tools

  2. Click on Manage Test Reasons

  3. Enter your Session ID from testing and/or click on any test administration within the time period you assessed students.

  4. Once your administered tests have populated, click on the assessment you would like to change the test reason for, and then click on assign test reason.

  5. All of the students who tested, will populate within a window. Click where it says please select a test reason. Select the test reason most appropriate and then confirm your selection.

Demographic Report

CRS: Breakdown by Demographic Data.mp4

You can use the Breakdown By button in the Features and Tools section of the upper-right corner of a data report to compare performance among various demographic subgroups. This button is available for most aggregate data reports.

The Breakdown Attributes window will open. You may select up to three different demographic categories. The “unspecified values” option is to represent students who complete assessments but do not have specified demographic information within the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE).

Once demographics have been selected, a new report will be presented, with data disaggregated accordingly. The user may then easily toggle a filter (see below) to again filter the data.


CRS: Rostering.mp4

Districts may wish to create rosters as a means to analyze data for a given population of learners/students. As an example, many districts will create rosters by teacher and/or class period. Districts may wish to create additional rosters, after testing, to further analyze data on specific populations of students (i.e., students with disabilities, students engaged in afterschool programs, students within a certain class period, etc.).

The creation of rosters allows the district to analyze and make comparisons among district, building, and teacher level data, as evidenced in the report, below:

Districts have the ability to create rosters in advance of testing, within the TIDE portal, or after testing within the CRS.

When creating rosters, the following are recommendations to follow:

  • Include about 25-30 students to ensure data credibility and usefulness

  • If one teacher is working with the same students for Reading, Math, and Science, then separate rosters may not be needed in looking at aggregate data for her classroom. Separate rosters may be needed if students are assigned to other teachers for certain subject areas.

  • When naming rosters, use a clear and consistent naming convention (i.e., grade, class name, teacher, period, etc.)

The following steps provide details around how to manually create rosters within the CRS roster setting menu.

Districts may also choose to upload a roster within the CRS, through use of a template. The steps are identified as follows:

6 Ways to Drill Down into Your Reports

Which of the following does not represent a possible test reason identified within the CRS? Fall 2021 (OST) Spring 2022 (OST) Pre Instruction Post Instruction 2021-2022 Mrs. Smith’s First Period Pre-Test

Mrs. Smith’s First Period Pre-Test

True or False. Test reasons for benchmark assessments may be identified before testing, in the test administration interface, or after testing, within the CRS.


Within the demographic breakdown report, you are able to view data disaggregated by which of the following populations? (Select all that apply) By Entering Grade Migrant Gender Race/Ethnicity Students with Disabilities

Entering Grade, Migrant, Gender, Race/Ethnicity

What are other potential ways districts may want to disaggregate data, outside of options available within the demographic breakdown report? As an RDL, how would you recommend a district investigate options not available within the demographic breakdown report.

Possible answers may include but are not limited to: Students with Disabilities, Title I programs, students in afterschool programs, students in a certain class period, etc. If the district would like to review data from a unique population and/or subgroup of learners, they could create a roster of students. Rosters can be created in advance of testing, within TIDE, or after testing within the CRS.