Performance Level Descriptors

The Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) are the link between Ohio’s Learning Standards and performance standards. They were developed by Ohio educators and other content experts to recommend the most appropriate implementation of content and skills for Ohio’s State Tests for Science and Social Studies as part of the Standard Setting process. Cambium Assessment and the Ohio Department of Education assembled panels of Ohio stakeholders to review actual test questions to define what students should know or be able to do at each performance level. The feedback from the Ohio stakeholders during the standard setting process was compiled and analyzed to determine the cut scores to rank student performance. The Ohio stakeholder recommendations for cut scores were shared with the State Board of Education and approved at the September 2015 board meeting.

How can educators use Performance Level Descriptors?

Educators can review the PLDs to guide planning for each student. Educators can consider the PLDs for a specific grade level and content area, along with other data, when planning instruction and promoting student progress from one performance level to the next. Content and skills, as well as cognitive complexity, should be taken into consideration while planning. Educators can also review local curriculum materials to see if opportunities are being given to students to demonstrate deeper conceptual understanding of grade level/course content at the different performance levels.

Links to Performance Level Descriptors

Performance Level Descriptors (PLD) for each grade/subject area are available in the resources section of Ohio's Assessment System.

Connecting Performance Level Descriptors to Improve Student Learning

The performance level descriptors (PLDs) and data displays in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) both include performance levels. This makes it possible to make connections between the two resources.

Apply It!

Open an assessment and its related performance level descriptors document. The PLD documents can support the identification of appropriate interventions and enrichments for individual and groups of students based upon their performance level.