Other Content Areas

Learning Standards

In addition to the core content areas, Ohio has published Learning Standards for 11 other areas.

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Learning Standards

Find the list of the other standard areas and explore a set of standards that you're not familiar with.

Model Curriculum

The Model Curriculum offers local educators in-depth guidance about groups or clusters of Ohio’s Learning Standards. It also explains related skills and knowledge students are to learn in each grade and course. The purpose of Ohio’s model curriculum is to provide clarity to the standards, as well as information to assist educators in planning and implementing their local curricula. The model curriculum is not a complete curriculum nor is it mandated for use. In addition to the four core areas, there is model curriculum for six other content areas. While each content area is organized a bit differently, they all contain the following components:

Components of the Model Curriculum

  • Content Elaboration

  • Expectations for Learning

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Model Curriculum

Browse through the various model curriculum documents to find a component that is different than content elaboration or expectations for learning.


The Resources landing page contains a vast array of resources, including virtual meet-ups recordings, resources from professional organizations, career connections for grade bands, resources about Universal Design for Learning, and networking opportunities.

Look for it!

Name two content areas, other than one of the four core, for which there are learning standards AND model curriculum.

Computer science, financial literacy, fine arts, technology, world languages, early learning (2 of the previous)