State Assessment Data Credential

The Department has transitioned score reporting functionality from the ORS to the new Centralized Reporting System (CRS). Data is available that covers Ohio's State Tests, Ohio's Alternate Assessments, and Ohio’s English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) and Screener (OELPS). This data can be used for item-analysis to assist in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the instructional standards covered in the year (both at the teacher level for instruction and at the student level for intervention supports).

This course is designed to ensure that attendees understand how to navigate the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) and access the data available, and how to interpret the data for use in item-analysis to connect to improving instructional strategies. Refer to the course syllabus for a more detailed exploration into course requirements.

To earn a credential in Using CRS Data to Improve Teaching & Learning, participants must successfully complete the following requirements:

PART 1: Attend one full-day session to engage in content-focused learning

Module 2: Learning & Assessment in Ohio

Module 3: Navigating the Centralized Reporting System (CRS)

Module 4: Item Analysis in the CRS

Module 5: Connecting Item Analysis to Improved Teaching & Learning

PART 2: Complete all required course submissions as described in the course syllabus

Modules 2 - 5: Required course submissions

Module 6: Field Experience Task