Ohio's English Language Proficiency Assessment

Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessments


The Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) is the state summative test used to determine an English learner’s proficiency level and to exit from the English language program. The OELPA is aligned to the K-12 English Language Proficiency Standards and is used to meet the federal requirement of an annual assessment of English proficiency measuring listening, reading and writing.

The Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS) is the state test based on the English Language Proficiency Standards and is designed to identify Ohio students in grades K-12 as English learners.

Test Administration Window

Please review this Test Dates webpage updated by the Ohio Department of Education details test windows throughout the year.


The OELPA is required for all English learners in addition to Ohio’s State Tests. Districts may administer the OELPA any time during the test administration window and in any order.

Test Composition

Ohio worked with a group of states led by the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) to develop the assessment. View the ELPA21 FAQ page

Learn More

Ohio Department of Education Resources

Review the Ohio Department of Educations page dedicated to Alternate Assessments to learn more about this assessment.

Ohio's Assessment System Resources

Review Ohio's Assessment Portal hub dedicated to Ohio's English Language Proficiency Assessments portal

to familiarize yourself with the tools and resources available.

Look for It!

Do students who take the OELPA also take Ohio State Tests?


True or False? The OELPA testing window is available in February and March each year.


Accountability Connections

Updated Report Card Reforms beginning with 2021-2022 school year

Ohio's English Limited Proficiency Assessments contribute to the Gap Closing components.

For Report Cards thru 2020-2021 school year

Ohio's English Limited Proficiency Assessments contributed to the Gap Closing components.