Replicating the ORS Display


This method of extracting item analysis from the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) produces a data display that replicates the manner in which results were displayed in the previous Online Reporting System (ORS).

Want to see the end result? Please review the below video providing a brief overview of Sample Results

created with simulated data.

Guided Instructions

Step-by-step instructions are included in the tables below and also available in this document:

Replicating the ORS Written Instructions

Access to Materials

This section contains access to all resources and templates necessary in order to complete this method of item analysis.

Apply It!

Use the directions and resources posted on this page and the simulated data set available below to experiment with utilizing this method.

Sample 2022 Student Data

In the CRS

  1. Select the appropriate year
    Features & Tools – Change Reporting Time Period

  2. Use the Filters (left navigation) to select the appropriate Test Groups – select Apply

  3. From the Performance Distribution dashboard, select the subject card to view individual assessments

  4. Export the Report from the CRS
    Click the icon to the left of the test name (green arrow icon)
    Select the option:
    Overall Test, Reporting Category and Item Performance of all students
    CSV format

  5. From the Secure Inbox, select the hyperlink to save to your device

  6. Save (or identify) where this file is located on your device

Import the Data

  1. Import spreadsheet into Item Analysis Template

  2. File – Import – Upload

  3. Select File from Device

  4. Identify where you would like the file imported
    Import Location: Insert New Sheet
    Separator Type: Detect Automatically

Rename the Sheet

Rename Sheet to “theData” - this is necessary for the script to run correctly

Run the Script

From the Item Analysis menu in the top ribbon,

  • Select the appropriate function:
    Get Percents ELA 3
    rd Grade is for the fall and spring 3rd grade OST Only
    Get Percents ALL OTHERS is for all other OSTs, and all benchmark assessments

  • Authorization is required to allow the script to run:
    Select Continue
    Log in to your Google Account
    Allow the script library ItemAnlysisV2helpers (where the script is stored) to access your google account.

  • Once you have provided authorization run the script again by selecting the function from the Item Analysis menu.

Rename the Sheets

  • Rename “theData” and “theResults” tabs to identify the test subject/grade.

  • Continue in this manner to add additional tests.