Field Experience


RDLs wear a variety of hats when working within their region, districts, and buildings. To ensure a differentiated approach to the work, with a common standard/expectation for learning, participants will select from a menu of options to demonstrate their learning within this strand. Each submitted product/project will be scored in alignment with a pre-defined, shared rubric. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure they are demonstrating knowledge aligned to the rubric at a minimum of the skilled level, overall.


    1. Participants will synthesize learning objectives from the State Assessment Data Credential competencies to complete one demonstration of mastery project selected from options provided.

Option 1: Item Analysis (Job-Embedded)

Plan and deliver a professional learning experience using OST Item Analysis for a district in the field. Select one method of advanced item analysis from section 5.4 and utilize the information to guide teachers in a data conversation with actionable next steps.

Artifacts for submission include the following

  1. Completion of Option 1: Item Analysis (Job-Embedded) Submission Guide including

    • Planning Section

    • Supporting Materials

    • Connections

    • Reflection & Next Steps

    • Self-Review of Summative Rubric

  2. Submission of supporting materials for Item Analysis task

Option 2: Item Analysis (Simulated Data)

Complete a thorough OST Item Analysis using one of the simulated data sets. Select one method of advanced item analysis from section 5.4 and utilize the aligned protocols to analyze the data. Create a summary report for the district including an overall summary, strength areas, focus areas and possible next steps.

Artifacts for submission include the following

  1. Completion of Option 2: Item Analysis (Simulated Data) Submission Guide including:

    • Planning Section

    • Supporting Materials

    • Connections

    • Summary Report

    • Self-Review of Summative Rubric

  2. Submission of supporting materials for Item Analysis task

For this option, you may use whichever sample data set is relevant:

Sample 2022 Export

Sample 2022 Student Results

Option 3: Navigating the CRS (Job-Embedded)

Plan and deliver a professional learning presentation promoting the use of the Centralized Reporting System (including item analysis) to district and/or regional stakeholders and engage in reflection around next steps to support implementation efforts.

Artifacts for submission include the following

  1. Completion of Option 3: Navigating the CRS (Job-Embedded) Submission Guide, including:

    • Planning Section

    • Supporting Materials

    • Connections

    • Reflection & Next Steps

    • Self-Review of Summative Rubric

  2. Submission of supporting materials for Navigating the CRS task

Option 4 (Self-Study)

Complete a thorough exploration into the resources provided by the Ohio Department of Education and engage in planning how these resources can be integrated into supporting teachers utilize the results of their OST Item Analysis as evidenced in the creation of a Self-Study Product.

Artifacts for submission include the following:

  1. Completion of Option 4: Self-Study Submission Guide, including:

    • Notes from Learning & Assessment in Ohio Module

    • Planning for Self-Study Product

    • Supporting Materials for Self-Study Product

    • Connections

    • Self-Review of Summative Rubric

  2. Submission of supporting materials for Self-Study Product

Completed Samples

Sample Option 1

Sample Option 1: Item Analysis (Job-Embedded):

Review the documents linked below to explore a sample of what a job-embedded item analysis task may look like. Please note all sections of the submission guide have been completed, including a self-review of the summative rubric to ensure a successful level of mastery has been achieved.

Artifacts for submission include the following:

  1. Completed Sample Option 1: Item Analysis Submission Guide

  2. Submission of supporting materials for Item Analysis task

Sample Option 3

Sample Option 3: Navigating the CRS (Job-Embedded):

Review the documents linked below to explore a sample of what a job-embedded task for Navigating the CRS may look like. Please note all sections of the submission guide have been completed, including a self-review of the summative rubric to ensure a successful level of mastery has been achieved.

Artifacts for submission include the following:

  1. Completed Sample Option 3: Navigating the CRS Submission Guide

  2. Submission of supporting materials for Navigating the CRS task:

    • Flyer for CRS Training session

    • Registration information – optional
      For May 20, 2022, session: 78 participants registered to attend; 42 actual attendees.
      Three additional sessions scheduled for fall of 2022

    • Google Site: Data - CRS used as companion site for reference and those unable to attend in person

    • Slide Deck used during presentation: CRS Training 2022-2023 by ESCNEO

    • Flyer for OST Item Analysis Reports