Learning & Assessment in Ohio


If we think of the data from state testing results as our output, the input can be thought of two-fold: the student learning that occurs as well as the assessments the students take. In this module, participants will learn and explore the learning and assessment platforms and resources provided by the Ohio Department of Education.


  1. Participants will understand Ohio’s Assessment System sources whose results are displayed in the Centralized Reporting System.

      • Ohio’s State Tests

      • Ohio Alternate Assessment

      • Ohio’s English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA)

      • Restart Readiness Assessments

  2. Participants will understand how the components within the Ohio Department of Education's Learning in Ohio resource support Ohio’s educators.

      • Learning Standards

      • Resources

      • Model Curriculum

      • Assessments

  3. Participants will connect assessment resources to classroom instructional practices.