Day 2

Welcome to Day 2!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 2 video

Duration: 1:01

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

array bingo cards
(PDF file, 604 KB)


cling wrap


sticky tape

a plastic cup

a container filled with water (e.g. a bucket or sink)


You will need:




a workbook or paper

Reading and viewing – symbols and symbolism in texts

Icon: watch video

Listen to the story 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak. ​

Where the Wild Things Are
Duration: 4:50

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Think about the symbolism in the story of:

    • the wolf

    • wolf suit

    • forest

    • crown

    • hot food.

  • What ideas or qualities are these objects representing? ​

Where the Wild Things Are symbolism
Duration: 4:42

Writing and presenting – Creating your own personal logo part 1

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Use the following categories to brainstorm colours and symbols that mean something to you.​ Write or draw your ideas for each category.

    • Strengths/I am good at...​

    • Ambitions/I want to do these things in life...​

    • Interests/I love to...​

    • Special places and people in my life include...​

    • Colours that represent me​ are...

Symbols that represent me
Duration: 2:24

Writing and presenting – Creating your own personal logo part 2

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Design your personal logo on paper or on a digital device.

Hint! Use symbols that represent you – no words! You can draw your own symbols or find digital images.​

  • Write a short paragraph explaining your choice of symbols and colours​.

Create your own logo
Duration: 5:29

Care and connect

Automatic arm raise

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Automatic arm raise
Duration: 1:58


Number reSolve bakery part 1 and 2

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

reSolve Bakery part 1

Duration: 2:57

(Created in partnership with ReSolve)

Icon: writing activity
  • Charlie bakes eight trays of different flavoured cakes each day. How many cupcakes does Charlie bake each day?

  • Create a poster to show how you solved the problem. You might like to use the picture of the cupcake array to help explain how your strategy works.

Cupcake array

Eight trays of different flavoured cupcakes. Each tray is displayed in an array of 6x4.
Watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

reSolve bakery part 2

Duration: 6:45

(Created in partnership with ReSolve)

Icon: writing activity
  • How are these two strategies similar and how are they different?

  • How many cakes does Charlie need to bake?

Cupcake strategies

Two strategies to show how to calculate the number of cupcakes using arrays.

Number Partially covered array bingo

You will need:

array bingo cards (PDF file, 604 KB)

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video to learn how to play.

Array bingo – Partially covered arrays
Duration: 11:16

Example of gameboard (6 numbered cards each).

Get ready:

  • Each player creates a gameboard using 6 product cards.

  • Place the array cards in a pile, face down.

Example of a 5x5 array = 25.

Start playing:

  • Turn over an array card.

  • If a player has the matching product card on their gameboard, they may turn the product card over.

  • If both players have the matching product card, they can both turn over their matching cards.

  • If neither player has the matching product card, turn over the next array card in the pile.

Example of a game close to finishing.

How to win:

  • The winner is the first player to turn over all their product cards and say ‘bingo!’

Example of extension pack cards.

Other ways to play:

  • Swap how the piles of cards are used in the game.

  • Make a gameboard from the array cards and turn over the product cards.

Speaking activity


  • What strategies did you use to determine how many dots there are in the partially covered arrays?

  • Were there any arrays which were known facts for you? Which ones?

  • What strategies did you use for the arrays that weren’t known facts for you?


Hands-on activity
  • Extend the number range by adding in the array bingo expansion pack (PDF file, 474 KB).

  • Replace the product cards with 2 x 9-sided dice.

Brain break

Air guitar

Activity: watch video
Activity: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Air guitar
Duration: 0:57

Let's keep learning!

STEM Watercraft (boat) challenge

You will need:


cling wrap


sticky tape

a plastic cup

a container filled with water (e.g. a bucket or sink)

Activity: watch video
Activity: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! You can download the instructions for this task:

Watercraft (boat) challenge

Duration: 6:03

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity


  • You can only use the materials on the list, but you do not have to use all the materials.

  • Your boat needs to hold a weight of ¼ cup of water for at least 10 seconds without sinking.

  • The boat must float by itself. You cannot hold onto the boat.

Materials needed

Items needed: straws, cling wrap, sticky tape, string, plastic cup.

A container of water

Container filled with water
Icon: watch video

Using the Design thinking process is a way of solving this challenge.

The Design thinking process

Diagram describing the four stages of the Design Thinking process. Firstly, Identify and define: Understand the problem and define the project needs. Secondly, Research and plan: Research and ideate or brainstorm a solution. Thirdly, Produce and implement: Create a draft, prototype or possible solution and get feedback. Fourthly, Test and evaluate: Refine project, exhibit and evaluate or reflect on the outcome. The diagram shows that at all stages of this process, you should seek peer feedback.

First boat design

7 straws positioned next to each other taped together at both ends and placed in container of water.

Testing boat design ideas

Person putting cup on boat design.

Testing boat design ideas

11 straws positioned next to each other taped together at both ends and placed in container of water.

Testing boat design ideas

7 straws positioned next to each other taped together at both ends and placed in container of water. Cup is sitting on the straws. Straws are bent slightly in the middle underneath the cup..


Icon: hands-on activity
  • How much weight can your boat hold? Keep adding weights until it sinks!

  • Change the materials you made your boat out of. What is the best design?

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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