Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the Koala pack!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 1 video

Duration: 1:06

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

a dictionary

a calculator

some leaves

a skipping rope


Word study – All about words!

You will need:


a workbook or paper

a dictionary

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Listen to the instructions.

  • Is there a word on the list that you have not heard before or you are unsure of what it means?

  • Use a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word.

  • Complete the word map.

All about words!
Duration: 2:50

Watch video

Word list from the above video (select arrow)

  • claw

  • paddock

  • platter

  • visor

  • huddled

  • scanned

  • gulped

  • chattering

  • cushion

  • stroll

  • ajar

  • scent

Reading and viewing Describing a character

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity

Read or listen to ‘The dog without a name’.

As you read, visualise what the carer looks like.

The Dog Without a Name
Duration: 9:33

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and complete the activities.

  • Draw a picture of the carer and label using adjectives.

  • Describe the carer.

Describing the carer
Duration: 2:32

Reading and viewing Creating characters

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity
Writing activity

Watch the video and complete the activity.

  • Make a list of your favourite characters. Think about what makes them special to you.

  • Identify if the characters are heroes or villains.

Creating characters
Duration: 3:09

Care and connect

Take 5 breathing

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Take 5 breathing
Duration: 0:42


Number – Australia's chocolate eating habits

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Australia's chocolate eating habits

Duration: 7:01

Hands-on activity

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Conduct a survey. This includes writing and posing (asking) your questions to at least 20 people.

  • Create a two-way table to organise your data.

  • Use a data display such as a side-by-side column graph to present your findings.

  • Use the research or find your own research about chocolate consumption worldwide to create another data display.

  • Compare your data (collected locally) with the data worldwide.

Writing activity

Reflect on your choice of data displays.

  • What are you now curious about?

  • How might you collect the data?

  • What would you refine for next time about your collection and recording methods and representations?

Number – Birthday trickery

You will need:

a calculator

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Test the calculator trick for your own birthday.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

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The ABC is making changes to iView access.

From March 2022 you will need a registered ABC account to access all video content on iView.

If you don't already have an account you will need your parent or carer to help you set one up and give permission.

How to setup an ABC account (opens in new window)

More about ABC accounts (opens in new window)

Hands-on activity

How to ‘calculate’ your birthday (select arrow):

  • Press the ‘C’ button to clear your calculator.

  • Enter 7.

  • Multiply by the month of your birth (e.g. January = 1, February = 2) and press equals.

  • Subtract 1 from that number and press equals.

  • Multiply that number by 13 and press equals.

  • Add the date of your birth (e.g. if you were born on the 21st add 21) to that number and press equals.

  • Add 3 and press equals.

  • Multiply your number by 11 and press equals.

  • Subtract the month of your birth (e.g. January =1, February =2) and press equals.

  • Subtract the date of your birth (e.g. if you were born on the 21st subtract 21) and press equals.

  • Divide this number by 10 and press equals.

  • Add 11 and press equals.

  • Divide this number by 100.

The remaining digitals should reveal the month and the date of your birth as a decimal.

Hands-on activity
  • Does this calculator trick work for your friends and family? Try it on someone else.

  • Explain how it works.


Writing activity

Have a go at another maths trick!

  • Choose any number on the grid. Write it down.

  • Write down a second number.

Hint! It has to be in a different row and different column to your first number.

  • Record a third number. Again, it has to be in a different row and different column to your first 2 numbers.

  • Write down a fourth number. Once again, it has to be in a different row and different column to your first 3 numbers.

  • Add the four numbers together. Your sum is 34.

Did we guess it? How did we know what the answer was going to be?

Try it on someone else. Explain how this trick works.

Number grid

Numbers 1-16 in a 4x4 grid. Row 1 is 1-4 and so on.

Brain break

Leaf rubbing

You will need:

paper or workbook

coloured pencils

some leaves

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Leaf rubbing
Duration: 1:47

Let's keep learning!

Personal Development and Health Healthy food choices

You will need:

a pencil

a workbook or paper

Watch video

Watch the video about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
Duration: 1:39

Icon: writing activity
  • What meals do you usually eat?

  • Identify meals that have 'sometimes foods' in them.

  • What are healthier options that could replace these 'sometimes foods'?

Writing activity

Let's think about some foods and meals you could include in a healthy eating menu.

  • Use the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating poster to design a weekly menu for your family.

  • You can choose to plan for 1 meal per day or include breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's up to you!

Physical Education Skipping

You will need:

a skipping rope

Note: The video mentions a student logbook. This is not required.

Icon: watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in.

Duration: 20:20

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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