Day 4

Welcome back to Day 4!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 4 video

Duration: 0:51

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

a used cereal or tissue box


Speaking – Advertising

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Watch video
Talking activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

View the 1960's advertisement for a Sony television in the video.

  • Identify 3 reasons why Sony believes you should buy this television.

  • Why do you think this image has been included in the advertisement?

  • What aspects of the image are used to try and persuade? 


Duration: 3:39

Writing, reading and viewing – Dog note taking

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Watch video
Listening activity

Read or listen to the article 'Will Wonders Never Cease? Doggy Diversity' by Zoe Disher from The School Magazine.

'Will Wonders Never Cease? Doggy Diversity' by Zoe Disher – The School Magazine

Duration: 1:42

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Write 9 facts from the 'Will Wonders Never Cease? Doggy Diversity' by Zoe Disher on a tic-tac-toe chart.

Dog note taking

Duration: 2:27

Writing – Dogs make the best pets

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Write an argument, 'Dogs make the best pets'.


    • 2 or more elaborated arguments

    • modal verbs

    • adverbs.

Hint! Use the information from 'Will Wonders Never Cease? Doggy diversity' and your own knowledge to help you write your argument.

Dogs make the best pets

Duration: 2:48

Care and connect

Mindful drawing

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Mindful drawing
Duration: 2:38


3D objects – Objects, shapes and famous buildings

You will need:


a workbook or paper

used cereal box, tissue box or similar

Icon: watch video

Watch and listen to the video.

Mixed Up Maths – Objects, shapes and famous buildings
Duration: 2:51

Hands-on activity
Writing activity
  • Find and describe various 3D objects found around the house (e.g. cereal boxes, tissue boxes, cans of soft drink).

  • Where possible, and if it is safe to do so, pull apart prisms to explore their net.
    Hint! Used cereal or tissue boxes are ideal for this.

  • Choose another object and sketch the objects from different views, including top, front and side views.

3D objects – Ecomaths recycling

You will need:




a workbook or paper

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Hands-on activity
  • Explore three-dimensional (3D) objects you can find around your house.

  • List and draw them.

Hint! You might like to draw a table to organise your findings.

Example of how to set out your work

Table with headings: cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, sphere, cone, square-based pyramid.
Writing activity
  • Think of ways that you can use recycled materials to make something useful.

Brain break

10@10 Superheroes

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

10@10 – Superheroes

Duration: 10:49

Let's keep learning!

Taronga Zoo Information report on Shingleback lizards

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Writing activity

Copy the KWL chart into your workbook.

  1. Fill in the 'What I know' (yellow) column with everything you know about a Shingleback lizard.

Hint! If you don't know anything about a Shingleback lizard, just fill in everything you know about lizards.

Note: Think about the features of lizards and what adaptations they have to their environments.

  1. Fill in the 'What I want to know' (pink) column with some questions you have about lizards.

Example of a KWL chart to copy into your workbook.

A table with 3 columns. Column 1 is titled What I know, column 2 is titled What I want to know, and column 3 is titled What I learned
Icon: watch video

Watch the video to learn about Eastern Australian Shingleback lizards and their adaptations.

Eastern Australian Shingleback lizards

Duration: 6:13

Icon: watch video

Did you hear some words in the video that you didn't understand?

  • adaptations features of the body or behaviour that help plants and animals survive in their environment

  • arid dry (low rain fall, like a desert)

  • ectothermic cold blooded (animals that don't make their own body heat)

  • nutritionfood (what an animal needs to eat to stay healthy)

  • opposed instead of

  • particles very tiny things, in this case, tiny chemicals floating in the air

  • physiological how the body works (adaptations can be about what an animal does (its behaviour), what an animal's body is like (structural) or how an animal's body works (its internal function)

  • predator an animal that hunts and eats other animals

  • utilise use

  • venomous an animal that has a bite or sting that contains venom (can make you sick).

Writing activity

Fill in the 'What I learned' (blue) column with any new information that you have learned from watching the video.

Hands-on activity
  • Use the information in the video to help you label the image of the lizard with its features and adaptations.

  • Select the blue 'Submit' button once you have completed this task.

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Use this photo and the information from the video to write a short paragraph about Shingleback lizards.

Make sure your paragraph includes:

  • Which environment Shingleback lizards belong in

  • A description of the environment (e.g. describe what the climate is like, if there is an abundance of food and water available, what plants you might expect to see in this environment)

Hint! Use the adaptations you have learnt about to help you justify your answers.

Shingleback lizard

Dark brown lizard with large scales. It has a triangular head and short legs that are low to the ground.

Image by Ashley Mulchay, Taronga Zoo


Writing activity

Write your own information report about a Shingleback lizard.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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