Wombat Pack


Welcome to this week's Digital Learning Pack.

Hint! More information for parents and carers can be found at the bottom of this page.

Timetable of learning activities

  • Start with Day 1, regardless of what day of the week it actually is.

  • The following day, select Day 2. Continue to work through the days, as required.

  • Students should make sure they take water, food and bathroom breaks, as required.

Day 1

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • Reading – Symbol hunt and storytelling

  • Responding – Symbols and school logos

  • Representing ideas – Writing about symbols

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Core muscles

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • NumberImagining dots

  • Number Go fish! Partially covered arrays

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Crawling caterpillars

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)


  • Federation of Australia

Day 2

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • Reading – Symbols and symbolism in text

  • Writing – Creating your own personal logo

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Automatic arm raise

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • Number – reSolve bakery

  • Number Partially covered bingo arrays

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Air guitar

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)


  • Watercraft (boat) challenge

Day 3

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • Reading – Using personification in texts

  • Representing ideas Make a personification poster

  • Writing – Using personification in writing

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Let's do the cha cha cha

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • Number – reSolve bakery 3

  • Number Multiplication toss 1

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Card toss

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)


  • Incredible illustrations

Day 4

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • Language – Personification

  • Reading– Personification in narratives

  • Responding – Personification in text

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Giraffe breathing

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • Investigating time Calendars

  • Investigating time MathXplosion: Pick a block of dates

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Camouflage hide and seek

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)

Taronga Zoo Education

  • Superhero animals

Day 5

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • Reading Personification

  • Responding – Personification in a short story

  • Writing – Write a short story

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Trick shots

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • Time Reaction time test

  • TimeCreate a playlist

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Shadow animals

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)

Education Live

  • Virtual tour of an Airbus A330

Environmental Education

  • Virtual excursion – 360 Aboriginal Storytelling: Blue Mountains National Park

Information for parents and carers

Each day, students will complete activities from each of the following areas:

  • English approximately 45-60 minutes each day

  • Care and Connect approximately 5-10 minutes each day

  • Mathematics approximately 30-45 minutes each day

  • Brain break approximately 5-10 minutes each day

  • Let's keep learning! approximately 30-60 minutes each day.

If the teacher is available, they will reach out to students via Teams or Zoom.

Students should make sure they take water, food and bathroom breaks, as required.

End of week survey for parents and carers

Your feedback is important to us.

Please complete the short survey below to assist us with continuing to improve the Digital Learning Packs.