Day 4

Welcome back to Day 4!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 4 video

Duration: 0:51

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook


2 sheets of paper per player

a paper clip

a device to record audio or video


Reading and viewing Diagrammatic information: Park signs

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Think about where you have seen signs like the ones shown in the video.

  • Brainstorm the places with the teacher in the video.

    • What types of information is being given in the signs?

    • What is the purpose of these signs?

    • Who is the audience?

Park signs

Duration: 12:14

Writing and representing Information map of your house or park

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Look at the photo of the zoo map shown in the video.

What information is the map providing us?

  • Create a map of your local park or of your house that provides information to visitors.

Information map

Duration: 11:41

Writing and presentingInformation sign for a park or a zoo

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Create an information sign for a park or zoo. You may create your sign on paper or digitally.

Your sign may include:

  • opening times

  • admission fee

  • a map

  • some background information

  • facilities (shop/toilets/food)

  • safety information.

Information sign for a park or a zoo

Duration: 5:30

Care and connect

Pretend you are a superhero

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Pretend you are a superhero
Duration: 1:24


Colour in decimats – part 1

You will need:

2 sheets of paper per player

1 spinner labelled tenths and hundredths (PDF file, 138KB)


1 six-sided dice, 1-6 spinner or playing cards (PDF, 81KB)

a paperclip

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video to learn how to make your decimat.

Colour in decimats – part 1
Duration: 8:50

Adapted from Anne Roche – Australian Mathematics Primary Classroom, 2010

Icon: watch video

Your game board should look similar to the one in the picture.

Colour in decimats – game board

An example of what the game board should look like, as explained in the video.

Colour in decimats - part 2

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task

Watch the video to learn how to play.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Colour in decimats – part 2

Duration: 13:54

Icon: hands-on task

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Take turns to roll the dice, spin the spinner and fill in the game board. For example:

    • If a 2 is rolled and ‘hundredths’ are spun, we record our move as a fraction (2/100) and as a decimal (0.02).

    • Colour in on the game board.

    • Complete the ‘What I filled’ column in words (2-hundredths).

    • Calculate the total and record as a decimal.

Helpful information:

  • Use a different coloured marker or pen to fill in the game board for each turn.

  • The winner is the first player to fill in 1-whole (their entire game board) or the player who’s game board is closest to 1-whole after 10 spins.

  • If a player spins a fraction that won’t fit into the available space, they miss their turn.

Example of a gameboard

Example of game board as demonstrated in video.

Example: partitioning 3-tenths

If you roll 3-tenths but you only have 2-tenths left empty, and some hundredths too, you can partition your 3-tenths as 2-tenths, 8-hundredths and 2-hundredths more to colour in 3-tenths of your game board in total.

Example of how game board can be shaded in as demonstrated in the video.
Icon: writing activity


  • What was the difference between the totals for each player? Work it out one way then work it out another way.

  • If you played again, what would you do differently? Why?


Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Colour in decimats – part 3

Duration: 0:38

Icon: watch video

If you're playing with thousandths, your board game and spinner should look like this.

Game board and spinner – playing with thousandths

Divide one of your hundreths into thousandths and add thousandths to your spinner.
Icon: writing activity


  • What was the difference between the final game board totals for each player? (By how much did the player win?)

  • How could you prove it?

  • What are some similarities and differences between your two game boards?

Brain break

Colour search

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Colour search
Duration: 0:59

Let's keep learning!

Taronga Zoo Kangaroo haiku

You will need:


a workbook or paper

a device to record video or audio

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and write down any interesting words that you hear.


Duration: 4:06

Icon: watch video

Did you hear some words that you didn't understand? (select arrow)

macropod A family of marsupials that include kangaroos, wallabies, quokkas and other similar animals. The word is derived from the Greek word ‘macropod’ which means ‘large footed.

bounding move with leaping strides

predator an animal that naturally preys on others

prey an animal that is hunted by another for food

stationary not moving

mob a group of kangaroos

mammal animals that are covered in fur and give birth to live babies

marsupial native Australian mammals that have a pouch

joey the babies of a marsupial.

Icon: watch video
Writing activity
Speaking activity

Watch the video about haiku poetry.

  • Create a haiku about a kangaroo.

  • Create a video or audio of you performing your poem.

Kangaroo haiku

Duration: 4:00

Icon: watch video

A completed example (select arrow)

Old man kangaroo,

Creeping slowly in the scrub,

Marsupial king.

Mob of kangaroo,

Flying over the landscape,

The Aussie outback.


Writing activity

Create a haiku about an animal of your choice.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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