Day 4

Welcome back to Day 4!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 4 video

Duration: 0:51

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

a piece of string or ribbon

objects to make a mandala (e.g. pegs, leaves, beads)


Vocabulary – Predict the language

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Look at the image of a ‘pretend’ book cover in the video.

  • What words do you think will be in this book?

  • Think about the nouns, adjectives and adverbs. ​

  • Predict some of the words that will be in this book. Record your ideas using a prediction table, as shown in the video.

Predict the language

Duration: 4:08

Reading and viewing – Descriptions

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening activity

Read or listen to 'Mr Kessel’s Bush Tucker Garden'.

'Mr Kessel's Bush Tucker Garden' – The School Magazine

Audio duration: 17:31

Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

The greenhouse was a setting in the story.

  • What nouns and adjectives could you use to describe the greenhouse? ​

  • Write a description of the greenhouse.


Duration: 4:25

Writing – Story ingredients

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch 'Story ingredients' which features author Deborah Abela.

  • Create the 3 boxes selection (character, setting, problem), as explained in the video.​

  • Think about a twist in your story something that will take the reader by surprise!

Hint! You will use this plan for a task tomorrow.

Story ingredients

Duration: 3:33

Care and connect

4, 3, 2, 1

Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

4, 3, 2, 1
Duration: 0:40


GeometryShapes and symmetry

You will need:




a workbook or paper

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From March 2022 you will need a registered ABC account to access all video content on iView.

If you don't already have an account you will need your parent or carer to help you set one up and give permission.

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Writing activity

Charlie created a symmetrical pattern by shading in four squares on a 3 by 3 square grid.

  • Draw your own 3 by 3 grid (or use graph paper).

  • Use the grid to make symmetrical patterns. How many can you make?

  • Explain how you know that your patterns are symmetrical.

Charlie's symmetrical pattern

A symmetrical pattern - A nine square grid, Three rows with three squares in each row.  The middle column is coloured purple and the middle square in the left column is coloured blue to show a symmetrical pattern.

Example of a 3 by 3 grid

A grid with 3 rows of 3 squares.


You will need:




a workbook or paper


a piece of string or ribbon


assorted objects to make the mandala (e.g. pegs, leaves, beads, rocks).

Watch video

Watch the video to learn more about symmetry.

MathXplosion – Kite symmetry
Duration: 3:00

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The ABC is making changes to iView access.

From March 2022 you will need a registered ABC account to access all video content on iView.

If you don't already have an account you will need your parent or carer to help you set one up and give permission.

How to setup an ABC account (opens in new window)

More about ABC accounts (opens in new window)

Watch video

Watch the video to learn about today's mandala activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Making mandalas
Duration: 9:55

Icon: hands-on activity

Follow the instructions below to make your own mandala.

A piece of ribbon and collections of objects from around the house, including leaves, pegs, beads, rocks.

Step 1:

  • Collect objects from around your house. You will need to collect a pair of each object (two objects that are the same colour, size and shape).

  • Remember to ask permission before using materials.

A piece of ribbon with one yellow peg sitting above the ribbon facing up and one yellow peg sitting below the ribbon facing down.

Step 2:

  • Select a pair of objects and place one down as your starting point.

  • Place the second object down so it's symmetrical to its pair. Think about rotating (turning), translating (sliding) or reflecting (flipping) the object.

A completed mandala made from red, blue and yellow pegs, 2 leaves and 4 pebbles

Step 3:

  • Continue creating your mandala by rotating, translating or reflecting the objects as you add them.

  • You can check the lines of symmetry using a ribbon to see if each side is a mirror image.

Icon: hands-on activity
Icon: writing activity


  • Can you make a mandala that has no lines of symmetry or is asymmetrical? How can you prove this?

  • What is a line of symmetry? How many can you see in your Mandala?

  • Could you make more lines of symmetry if you moved or added any other objects?


Icon: watch video

Watch the video to learn about the challenge activity.

You will need:

(PDF file, 87KB).

Making mandalas part 2
Duration: 6:51

Icon: hands-on activity
  • Have a go at plotting part (or all) of your mandala on the Cartesian plane!

Brain break

Swap hand scribble

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Swap hand scribble
Duration: 1:10

Let's keep learning!

Taronga Zoo Beginning, middle, end... with a possum!

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Look at the image for at least 30 seconds.

  • List 6-10 words or phrases that you notice about the image.

Hint! Think about the colours, shapes or lines that you can see in the image.

Ringtail Possums

Two possums curled up together asleep on some twigs and dried grass.

Image taken by Andrew Daly, Taronga Zoo

Icon: watch video

Watch the video to learn about Common Ringtail Possums with a Zoo Education Officer from Taronga Zoo.

Ringtail Possums
Duration: 7:25

Icon: watch video

Look at the picture again.

  • Imagine that this is the beginning of a narrative (story). Think about what might happen next?

Ringtail Possums

Two possums curled up together asleep on some twigs and dried grass.

Image taken by Andrew Daly, Taronga Zoo

Writing activity
  • Write a narrative (story) about the Ringtail Possums in the picture.

  • Use the information about the possum in the video and your list of words and phrases to add more descriptive detail within your story.

Hint! Remember to think about the structure of your story. Use the picture to help you.

Speaking activity
  • Once you have finished writing and editing your story, read it aloud to a friend, family member or even a pet!


Writing activity
  • Read back through your story and try to include similes, metaphors and personification to help make your story come to life!

  • Illustrate your story and turn it into a children’s picture book.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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