Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the Echidna pack!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 1 video

Duration: 1:06

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

an egg carton, cups or paper

48 counters or other items (e.g. pegs, dry pasta)

a pair of socks or a small soft ball

a bucket or washing basket

a small pillow


Speaking and writing – Books are better than TV

You will need:


pencils or a recording device


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Speaking activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Reading books is better than watching TV.

Record 3-5 reasons to support this argument.

Books are better than TV

Duration: 1:23

Writing, reading and viewing – Positives and negatives for insects

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video

Read the article 'Yum Yum!' by Susan Letts from The School Magazine.

'Yum Yum!' by Susan Letts – The School Magazine

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

The article outlines several positive arguments for eating insects.

  • Record these positive arguments. 

  • Record some negative arguments for eating insects.

  • Has the article persuaded you to try insects? Explain.

Positives and negatives for insects

Duration: 2:22

Writing – Persuade a family member with a letter

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Imagine you love eating insects and enjoy the benefits as stated in the article 'Yum Yum'.

  • Write a letter to a family member of your choice, trying to convince them to try insects as part of their diet. What arguments will you use? 

Persuade a family member with a letter

Duration: 2:02

Care and connect

Would you rather?

Watch video
Speaking activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Would you rather?

Duration: 2:09


Number – Let's investigate 1

You will need:




a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Let's investigate 1
Duration: 7:29

Icon: writing activity
  • How could you use this strategy to solve 73 - 29? Record your thinking in your student workbook.

Number – Mancala

You will need:


3 different coloured pencils


a workbook or paper

an egg carton, cups or paper

48 counters or other items (e.g. pegs, dry pasta)

Icon: watch video

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below if you need them.

Duration: 5:53

Hands-on activity

Instructions (select arrow)

  • Player one grabs all the beans from one hole on their side of the gameboard and drops them, one by one, into each cup around the board going to the right (This may take you around into the other player's side of the board).

  • If the player passes over their collection cup, they get to place a bean in there.

  • Once the player doesn't have any more beans in their hand, player 2 does the same sort of thing with a pile of beans from their side.

  • If a player puts their last bean in their collection cup, they get an extra turn!

  • If a player puts their last bean from a pile into one of their empty cups on their side, they get to reach across the game board and collect the beans from the opposite cup of their opposing player.

  • Play continues in this way until a player's side of the game board is completely empty.

  • The winner is the one with the most beans in their own collection cup!

Icon: hands-on activity
  • What moves will increase your chances of winning?

Brain break

10@10 – Pets

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

10@10 – Pets

Duration: 10:57

Let's keep learning!

Personal Development and Health – Why should we be active? How can we be active?

You will need:


pencils, crayons or textas


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and complete the activities.

Benefits and environments for being active
Duration: 11:17

What does the word active mean? Record your definition in your workbook.

Select the arrow to see some ideas.

  • Being active means moving your body.

  • You can be active both inside and outside your home.

  • Being active can include actively playing with your family and friends, playing a sport or other exercise, such as skipping.

What are the benefits of being active? Write 3 examples.

Select the arrow to see some ideas.

  • stronger bones and muscles

  • feeling happy

  • better sleep

  • improved balance, coordination and skills

  • improved concentration

  • meeting new people.

What are some different environments where we can be active?

Select the arrow to see some ideas.

Natural environments:

  • beach

  • national park

  • river

  • bushland.

Built environments:

  • playground

  • gym

  • stadium

  • backyard

  • home

  • school play space.

Writing activity
  1. Choose a natural or built environment in your local area, such as the beach or a playground.

  2. Explain how you can be active in this space by (pick one):

  • writing a letter to a friend

  • creating a map that shows how you can be active there

  • listing all of the activities you could do in this environment.

Physical Education – Throwing

You will need:

a pair of socks or a small soft ball

a bucket or washing basket

a small pillow

Note: The video mentions a student logbook. This is not required.

Icon: hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Duration: 23:35

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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