Day 4

Welcome back to Day 4!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 4 video

Duration: 0:51

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

1cm grid paper
(PDF file, 90KB)


a bottle cap

2 coins


Speaking – The day in the life of a pet

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Pretend you are a pet animal (e.g. dog, cat, mouse, fish).

  • Think about what that animal would do each day. 

  • Think about what it:

    • feels

    • smells

    • sees

    • hears

    • tastes.

The day in the life of a pet

Duration: 1:53

Writing, reading and viewing – Adjectives and similes

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video

Read the first section of the story 'Waiting' by Jack Gabolinscy from The School Magazine.

Hint! Read up to where the stars break up the passages.

'Waiting' by Jack Gabolinscy – The School Magazine

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Create a copy of the table that is shown in the video.

  • Copy the example responses in the video into your table.

  • Identify 3 more examples of nouns in the text where adjectives have been included to describe those nouns.

  • Identify and record 3 similes in the text.

Adjectives and similes

Duration: 4:06

Writing – Character crystal ball

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

  • Brainstorm what you already know about the 'boy' character.

  • Make predictions about what you think will happen to the boy in the future.  Think about what he might be doing in:

    • 6 months

    • 2 years

    • 5 years

    • 10 years

    • 30 years.

  • Present your predictions as a timeline.  

Character crystal ball

Duration: 3:26

Care and connect

Connect with a pet

Icon: watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Connect with a pet

Duration: 2:16


Area How many rectangles?

You will need:


a workbook or paper

1cm grid paper (PDF file, 90KB)

Icon: watch video

Watch the video and join in the activity.

How many rectangles? – part 1
Duration: 3:58

Writing activity
  • What is the same about these two rectangles?

  • What is different about these two rectangles?

  • What are you wondering?

First rectangle is 6x8 = 48. Second rectangle is 4x12 = 48.
Writing activity
  • How many different rectangles can you make that have an area of 48cm²?

  • Record your thinking and ideas on the 1cm grid paper.

Example: recording your ideas

2 rectangles that are 48cm2, drawn onto grid paper.
Icon: watch video

Watch the video and join in the activity.

How many rectangles? – part 2
Duration: 2:45

Writing activity
  • What is the largest possible perimeter of a rectangle that has an area of 48cm²?

  • What is the smallest possible perimeter of a rectangle that has an area of 48cm²?

Area Drawing a floorplan

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video

Watch the video to learn about floor plans.

Drawing a floor plan
Duration: 1:26

Writing activity
  • Design a plan for your current or dream home.

Hint! Use the picture of the floor plan example for ideas of things to consider (e.g. the entrance, layout, rooms, windows, stairs).

  • Include measurements on your plan, including:

    • the length of rooms

    • the width of rooms

    • the area of different rooms.

Example of a floor plan

A floor plan of a house showing dimensions of rooms


Hands-on activity
  • Build a 3D model of your current or dream house using construction materials.

Hint! You might use a scale (e.g. 1cm represents 1m).

Brain break

Australia's Coin Sports – Hockey

You will need:



2 coins

a bottle cap

Watch video
Hands-on activity
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Australia's Coin Sports – Hockey
Duration: 0:59

Let's keep learning!

Taronga Zoo Mobile homes

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Take a close look at the image of the mystery object.

  • What do you notice?

  • What do you wonder?

  • Record the questions you develop from your wonders.

Mystery object

four, brown, rough pentagons that join. Each pentagon comes to a peak and contain concentric pentagons within..

Image taken by Ally McMillian, Taronga Zoo Sydney

Icon: watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video to learn about the Aldabra tortoise.

  • Which of your wonder questions did the video answer? Record the answers.

The Aldabra tortoise

Duration: 2:56

Icon: watch video

Did you hear some words that you didn't understand? (select arrow)

carapace – the hard upper part of a tortoise, crustacean or arachnid

scute – scales of the tortoise shell made from keratin (similar to finger nails)

Writing activity

Design and label your own mobile shelter that you could carry on your back. Consider the following in your design:

  • the things your need to have

  • how to shelter from the weather

  • how to access food

  • how feasible it is to carry.

Aldabra tortoise

Large tortoise eating lettuce and carrots.

Image by Taronga Zoo Sydney

Icon: watch video

A completed example (select arrow)

A simple drawing of an idea for a mobile shelter. There is an inside view and an outside view. The labels surrounding the drawing, identify the following features: Drink dispenser, First aid and toiletries, Vent, Phone charger, Food supply, Toilet paper, Hard, light-weight case to protect from predators, Mattress folds down when standing, Insect repellant, Water supply and Solar panels.

Student example

Image supplied by Taronga Zoo Sydney


Hands-on activity

Build a model of the shelter that you designed.

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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