Emu Pack


Welcome to this week's Digital Learning Pack.

Hint! More information for parents and carers can be found at the bottom of this page.

Timetable of learning activities

  • Start with Day 1, regardless of what day of the week it actually is.

  • The following day, select Day 2. Continue to work through the days, as required.

  • Students should make sure they take water, food and bathroom breaks, as required.

Day 1

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • ListeningWords, feelings, images and ideas

  • Reading Unknown words

  • Writing – Favourite season

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Challenging your brain

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • Number2 truths. 1 lie.

  • Number Closest to 100

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Shoelace knot

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)


  • Australian Colonies

Day 2

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • SpeakingSamoan beach huts

  • Reading – Positive and negative feelings

  • Writing – Sensory writing

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Paper planes

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • NumberWhich one would you do in your head?

  • Number 101 and you're out!

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Numbers all around us

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)


  • Marble run

Day 3

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • Speaking and listeningInterview a character

  • Reading The reef

  • Word study-graphy

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Sketch your surroundings

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • NumberMathematic-tac-toe

  • Number Dicey addition

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Indoor mountaineering

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)


  • Colourful melodies

Day 4

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • VocabularyKey words

  • Reading – Adjectives, alliteration and onomatopoeia

  • Writing – Last paragraph

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Clever colours

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • LengthJump! What if?

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Action switch

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)

Taronga Zoo Education

  • Echidnas

Day 5

English (Approx. 45-60 minutes)

  • Reading – Onomatopoeia

  • Reading – How did they know?

  • Writing – The rain is finally here!

Care and connect (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Gratitude tree

Mathematics (Approx. 30-45 mins)

  • LengthLook Kool measurement

  • Length – Look Kool aerodynamics

Brain Break (Approx. 5-10 minutes)

  • Paper folding

Let's keep learning! (Approx. 30-60 mins)

Education Live

  • Creepy crawlies

Environmental Education

  • Virtual excursion – 360 Aboriginal Storytelling: Dorrigo National Park

Information for parents and carers

Each day, students will complete activities from each of the following areas:

  • English approximately 45-60 minutes each day

  • Care and Connect approximately 5-10 minutes each day

  • Mathematics approximately 30-45 minutes each day

  • Brain break approximately 5-10 minutes each day

  • Let's keep learning! approximately 30-60 minutes each day.

If the teacher is available, they will reach out to students via Teams or Zoom.

Students should make sure they take water, food and bathroom breaks, as required.

End of week survey for parents and carers

Your feedback is important to us.

Please complete the short survey below to assist us with continuing to improve the Digital Learning Packs.