Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the Kookaburra pack!

Watch the video to help you get started.

Day 1 video

Duration: 1:06

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook or paper

a dictionary

a small mirror that you can carry

5 soft items (e.g. socks, soft toys)


Listening and writing – Listening to Mem Fox part 1

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Icon: watch video
Listening activity
Icon: writing activity

Watch the video and complete the activities.

Mem Fox talks about her favourite type of books and how she writes. In your workbook:

  • Make a list of the books you enjoy reading.

  • Explain what makes these books enjoyable for you.

  • If you could write a book, what would it be about?

Mem Fox interview – Part 1

Duration: 16:04

Reading and viewing – Investigate some words

You will need:


a workbook or paper

a dictionary

Watch video
Listening activity

Read the poem 'When' from The School Magazine.

'When' by Kristin Martin – The School Magazine

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Investigate words from the poem with the teacher in the video.

  • Complete the vocabulary 'four square' activity using the words:

    • sway

    • waft

    • chink.

Investigate some words

Duration: 5:34

Reading and viewing – Personification in poetry (part 1)

You will need:


a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

Personification in poetry (part 1)

Duration: 7:34

Care and connect

Five finger starfish

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Five finger starfish

Duration: 2:03


Number – Math mobiles part 1

You will need:


a workbook or paper

math mobiles puzzles (PDF file, 834KB)

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Math mobiles part 1

Duration: 10:28

From Boaler, Munson & Williams

Writing activity
  • Look at the image and record what you notice.

  • Determine the value of each shape.

  • Solve this math mobile.

Image of mobile with varying shapes. Maths mobile image with the number 48 above and an equal balance made of several other equal balances with varying shapes below each one. Each shape is assumed to be the same mass value. For example,  a triangle is the same mass value of any other triangle, and each rectangle equal to any rectangle and henceforth. On the far left of the mobile, the first balance  is made up of a balance with two more balances below it. The far left of the balance is made up of a trapezium, a rectangle, a hexagon and a triangle.  The right of the balance is made of two balances below. The left of the balance below is made of one blue trapezium. And the right of it is made of one balance, of which the left is made of a rectangle and triangle and the right is made of one hexagon.   The right of the top balance is made of three balances. The first balance is made of one trapezium on the left and two hexagons on the right. The right balance’s left, is made of three triangles with one hexagon and on the right of that balance it is made of one trapezium.

Number – Math mobiles part 2

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Math mobiles part 2

Duration: 10:34

From Boaler, Munson & Williams

Writing activity
  • Solve the 60 and/or 80 math mobile.

  • Is there more than one way to solve the 60 and/or 80 math mobile? Explain your thinking.

  • Make your own math mobile and challenge a friend, family member or classmate to solve it!

Maths mobile image with the number 60 above and an equal balance made of several other equal balances with varying shapes below each one. Each shape is assumed to be the same mass value. For example,  a triangle is the same mass value of any other triangle, and each rectangle equal to any rectangle and henceforth.  The far left is made up of two balances. The first balance on top consists of a left side made of a hexagon, a square and three triangles. The right side is made up of a triangle and another balance underneath with a hexagon on each side of it. The far right of the top balance consists of one balance. The left side of that is made of three squares and the right side is made of two hexagons and one triangle.
Maths mobile image with the number 80 above and an equal balance made of several other equal balances with varying shapes below each one. Each shape is assumed to be the same mass value. For example,  a triangle is the same mass value of any other triangle, and each rectangle equal to any rectangle and henceforth.  The far left is made up of three balances. The first balance is made of one balance on each side. The left bottom balance consists of two pentagons on the left and one rectangle on the right. The right balance consists of a triangle and circle on the left and two pentagons on the right. The right side of the top balance is made of a rectangle with a balance underneath it. The left side of that is made of a circle, pentagon and triangle and the right side is made of three pentagons.

Brain break

Mirror view

You will need:

a small mirror that you can carry

Watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Mirror view
Duration: 2:00

Let's keep learning!

Personal Development and Health Keeping safe around water environments

You will need:

pencils, crayons or textas

a workbook or paper

Watch video
Writing activity

Watch the video and join in the activities.

Keeping safe around water environments
Duration: 7:08

Writing activity
  • Brainstorm what we can we do to keep safe around water.

  • Record the actions that can keep us safe when we are around water.

Hint! Use the headings 'pool', 'river' and 'beach' to sort your responses.

  • What are different strategies to keep ourselves and others safe around water?

  • In the video, a picture of a pool is shown. Identify strategies to make it safer to swim in the pool.

Hint! There are some pictures, examples and more information to help you with the activity in the drop downs below.

Safety at the local pool

Some examples of actions that could keep us safe when we are at the local pool, include:

  • asking permission from an adult before going swimming

  • making sure a trusted adult is swimming with me and watching me

  • walking around the pool

  • entering the pool safely

  • following the pool rules.

Safety around a river

Some examples of actions that could keep us safe when we are around a river, include:

  • asking permission from an adult before going swimming

  • making sure a trusted adult is swimming with me and watching me

  • checking the depth of the water before entering

  • entering the water safely

  • following the safety signs (e.g. no diving).

Safety at the beach

Some examples of actions that could keep us safe when we are at the beach, include:

  • asking permission from an adult before going swimming

  • making sure a trusted adult is swimming with me and watching me

  • swimming between the red and yellow flags

  • following the instructions from the lifeguards

  • following the safety signs.

Possible responses

Examples of strategies we could use to make it safer to swim in the pool may include:

  • removing the balloons from the pool

  • asking an adult to supervise while swimming in the pool

  • explaining to children that it is not safe to jump into the pool from the garden edge

  • explaining that it is not safe to jump into the pool with lots of children swimming

  • removing the inflatable chair from the pool

  • recommending to the children that they wear a rash shirt and apply sunscreen

  • designing and displaying safety signs around the pool (e.g. 'no diving', 'no jumping').

Local indoor pool

Indoor swimming pool. With adults sitting on the edge of the pool playing with a blow-up ball. Children swimming in the pool. A lifeguard standing on the edge supervising.


An image of a beach. Clean sand runs into crashing waves with white wash.

"Beach" by sabl3t3k is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


There is a pool. Two children standing up high in a garden edge of the pool. One child is about to jump on an inflatable chair. Another child is holding the inflatable chair, and another seems to be under the water. Also, there is a large bunch of balloons floating in the pool.

"Diving fun" by basykes is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Writing task

Your task:

  • Choose one water environment to promote strategies that help to keep everyone safe when they are in the water.

You might like to record your strategies by:

  • creating a poster using pictures and words

  • designing slides with images and recording your voice explaining your ideas

  • recording a video of yourself.

Physical Education Striking

You will need:

5 soft items (e.g. socks, soft toys)

Note: The video mentions a student logbook. This is not required.

Icon: watch video
Hands-on activity

Watch the video and join in.

Striking – part 1
Duration: 21:25

Well done completing today's learning activities!

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