Users > Teacher Programs

The teacher Gradebook offers various ways to enter grades, configure the gradebook, add and edit assignment categories, add and edit assignments (customized details, rubrics, resources, standards, and additional settings), as well as generate gradebook reports.

Note: Gradebook settings rely on the teacher preferences they have setup. If teachers are changed from one teacher to another, the gradebook settings should be noted before they teacher is changed so the "New" teacher can be setup correctly for the new teacher assignment. Most settings to NOT transfer between teachers.

Table of Contents

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Gradebook Navigation

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Assignments Unlinked From Categories

Entering Grades

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Entering Grades by Student

Viewing Assignments in the Gradebook

Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment

Importing Grades

Adding Student Notes

Viewing & Grading Student Assignment Uploads

Grading Assignments Using a Rubric

Gradebook Options and Configuration

Gradebook Reports