Foundations of Focus
Tools for Inputting the Schedule
Scheduling Reports
Student Schedule

Tools for Inputting the Schedule
- Elementary Scheduler -

The Elementary Scheduler screen is used create rosters for homeroom teachers and schedule students into their packages. Students can be manually rostered, or the Optimize option can be used to evenly distribute students based on gender, discipline referral history, and assessment scores.

Courses & Sections
Course Catalog
Student Requests
Mass Requests
Automatic Course Requests
Create Packages
Elementary Scheduler
Run Scheduler
Master Schedule Snapshots
Master Schedule Builder
Lock Schedules

Table of Contents for the various sections on this page:
(Below, you will find information on the various "ELEMENTARY SCHEDULER" in Focus with resources linked from the vendor:)

Before Using the Elementary Scheduler

Understanding the Layout of the Elementary Scheduler

Adding Restrictions to a Student

Rostering Students Manually

Using the Optimize Button to Roster Students