Foundations of Focus
Tools for Inputting the Schedule
Scheduling Reports
Student Schedule

Foundations of Focus
#4: Courses & Sections

The Courses & Sections screen is used to set up the subjects/programs, courses, and sections offered at the school.

Foundation 1 - Bell Schedule / Periods
Foundation 2 - Attendance Calendars
Foundation 3 - Marking Periods
Foundation 4 - Courses & Sections

Foundation #4 of Focus: Courses & Sections

Know the courses you will be offering for the upcoming school year. Talk with the curriculum specialist at the district level to see if there are any changes. Are you using the correct 8th character on a course? You also need to know the certification requirements for a course to be prepared to assign a teacher to the course so they are not out of field.

For additional resources, visit the following:

Resources from the vendor: Focus School Software