Detention Lists (Admin)

Students assigned a discipline referral for a detention through the tardy tracking functionality will display on the Detention List. The scheduled job "Create Detentions from Tardies" will also create detentions based on tardy thresholds for tardies entered manually by teachers or office staff. Students who receive a non-tardy detention will display on the Detention List, as well. Students who have served their detention can be marked as Completed, which will update the action logging field on the referral. The Action Record Notes will update with the date(s) the detention(s) were served. The Days Completed will increment by 1 for each day of detention that was completed. The Date Begins and Date Ends will also be updated based on the date(s) the detention was served.

Note: The Detention List is year-specific. Ensure the school year you want to view is selected at the top of the screen.

Table of Contents for the various sections on this page:
(Below, you will find information on the various "Detention Lists" in Focus with resources linked from the vendor:)

Marking a Detention as Completed

Viewing Completed Detentions