
parents FAQs with Maths HoD.mp4

It’s not just about knowing your times tables!

In Year 7 we investigate how and why numbers and calculations do what they do, what methods are efficient and what problems we can solve by applying our skills them. You and your teachers are going to ask “why” a lot, you are going to make links between different ideas and different branches of Maths such as Geometry, Number (Fractions, Percentages, Decimals, Proportion, Negative and Positive numbers), Algebra and Statistics.

The curriculum enables you to discover and understand how it all interconnects. You may find yourself revisiting parts of Maths that you’ve seen before, but applying it in different ways or using different approaches to answer those questions. You’ll discover how to apply skills you have to unfamiliar situations.

Maths in Year 7 is about mastering fluency and understanding of the fundamentals so that when you reach GCSE and A level you are ready, and can excel. You’ll need an inquiring and open mind and Mathematics in Year 7 and beyond will open up a whole world of discovery.

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Meet the Maths Department!

How much rice on a chess board with music.mp4

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How many squares on a chess board - with music

How many squares on a chessboard

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Curriculum Progress Pathway.pdf

And finally...

It's time for a test - click the button below to answer questions about the maths teachers - lets see how well you were watching!