Praising Stars

We use our Praising Stars© system to inform you about your progress in all of your subjects at school. Each year you will receive six Praising Stars reports.

When you join Outwood Academy Easingwold, you will be given target grades for each subject you study. These targets will be based on the information we receive about you from your Primary School.

The targets we use are very ambitious because as a Trust and an Academy we perform significantly above national average. Your targets also reflects how the top performing students achieve nationally from this starting point. We are ambitious for you and are not shy about this!

Your praising stars report will say how you are performing in relation to your target grades.

It will also give you an effort grade for each subject and will give you and your parents a clear indication of how hard you are working.

After each Praising Stars cycle those with the highest effort grades and those who have shown significant improvement will be invited to a special celebration presentation with free cake and drink, they will get their names on the star student board and we will send a certificate home.