
Welcome to the English Department!

In your first year in English we will explore different cultures, time periods and genres. We travel across the world and societies visiting Pakistan, India, Ireland, Jamaica...through poetry; pay our respects to those who suffered in WW2's concentration camps by analysing the novel "Boy in the Striped Pyjamas"; join the mischievous sprite, Puck, in the forests outside Athens in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; we hone our creativity by crafting our own haunting tales and by writing in the style of David Attenborough to save the natural world; and we team up with Elastigirl and Mr Incredible in our Media Studies unit on the Pixar film "The Incredibles".


Miss Andrew - Head of English

Our curriculum from year 7 to A Level is designed with one key idea in mind- the growth of our students. We believe that our curriculum allows students to develop the ability and confidence to speak and write, express their ideas, views and emotions and participate effectively in society. Our varied curriculum invites discussion and reflection on key moral issues to allow students of all abilities and backgrounds to flourish.

We are proud to see our pupils engaging with our texts with passion and creativity. Here are some examples of work that makes us smile:

Romeo and Juliet Plot News Report.m4a

Each year, pupils will fill their bookshelves with a selection of classic literature and contemporary works on our learning journey.

Our aim is to create life-long readers with our Reading Challenge. We have curated a list of ten titles for pupils to read before they reach year 9 and another ten to be read before year 11.

Books To Read Before Year 9

I am malala.mp4

Books to Read Before Year 11

to kill a mockingbird.mp4

Miss Merriman reading the 1st chapter of To Kill A Mockingbird

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Miss Andrew reading the 1st Chapter of the Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-time.