Staff Welcome

You will see and work with lots of adults when you come to secondary school, and they are all here to help you in different ways. On this page you will hear from many of them, they will tell you about their role in school and what they might do for you. Get to know these people - they will help you during your time at Outwood Academy Easingwold.

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Miss Eddery - Principal

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Mrs Taylor - Vice-Principal


Mr Tiffany - Assistant Principal


Mr Garnham - Assistant Principal


Mr Winder - Inclusion Coordinator


Mrs Reed - Year 7 Learning Manager


Miss Benson - SENCo

My name is Mrs Knowles. I work on the reception desk and have lots of jobs, answering the phone, meeting any

visitors to the school and helping with admin jobs. You will sometimes see me popping into your lessons or tutor

groups delivering letters and messages. In September one of my main jobs is to get your lockers and keys ready,

although you will need to be patient as this can take a few days to sort. If you have any problems or worries and don't

know what to do, come to reception. I am always happy to help.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon.

My name is Miss Bell and I work in the Attendance office. My main role is to

support students with their attendance and to ensure everyone is where they

should be during the day by checking their registers. Hopefully you will not

need to come and see me very often, but students who feel unwell are sent to

me so we can discuss the best option for you. You can also come to my office

to tell me if you have a medical appointment during the school day. My other

roles in school involve helping with transition from primary school and

organising uniform for new students. I will also help to organise your

Graduation when you come to the end of Year 9.

I look forward to seeing you joining us!

My name is Mrs Kelman and I am the Inclusion Administrator and the Consequences Manager for

Outwood Academy, Easingwold.

Should you ever end up in the consequences system (and hopefully that will not be the case) it is my

job to support you through it, to make positive choices, rebuild relationships and reflect on your


On a daily basis, I coordinate all the sanctions that are issued within school. Throughout the day I

speak to parents and work closely with the Learning Managers and Inclusion team to ensure that the

support is in place to ensure that you are able to concentrate on having a positive learning


I also manage the Reflection room, which is a quiet space where students go to

reflect for a period of time on the choices that they have made, you are provided with work

specifically for you. The room is supported by staff throughout the day and again we hope you do not

have to spend any time in the reflection room, but if you do I will work with the teachers and Learning

Managers to try to ensure you successfully complete your day.

I also work with the Inclusion team to support all the students in school that need a little extra help

with all sorts of education and learning needs.

I look forward to supporting you in September.

Hello! I am Mrs Burton and I'm the Learning Manager for the sixth form. I support them with any

issues they might have both in and out of school and advise them on applying

for university or apprenticeships once their time at school comes to an end.

Although I’m mostly based over in the sixth form centre, I’m always available in

school for a chat and will offer any support I can whilst you settle in to year 7.

I’m looking forward to meeting you all soon.