Bridge & PLC


We all need support from time to time and school is no different. We offer support in lots of ways and are fortunate in the sense that we have two venues in school, run by the fantastic staff below, to support you if you are struggling. The Bridge and the PLC (Personalised Learning Centre) are both classrooms where students go for lots of different reasons, perhaps to complete a set lesson, or to work on an intervention with Miss James or Miss Myers. You have to be timetabled into either venue, you cannot just go, but if you need support these are one of many options we are lucky to have.

The Bridge is the Social Inclusion Centre in school, a learning environment to help students who may be struggling.

We help to overcome barriers to learning and offer support to anyone who might need it.

We help students to reintegrate back into lessons with all the support they need to do this.

We have a social space in The Bridge where you can come and meet other students at break and lunch time, as well as discuss any issues or worries you might be having. You might also spend some lesson time in The Bridge accessing different interventions with TAs or other support staff. The Bridge is a safe place for students to come whenever they are feeling overwhelmed by things, either at school or at home.

I look forward to meeting you all soon.

Miss James

Hello, my name is Miss Myers. I am the PLC (Personalised Learning Centre) Manager. The PLC is a classroom in school where students can be timetabled if they are struggling with aspects of school, or life in general. In the PLC I work with students to support them completing their work either in a 1-1 setting or in a small group. It is an area where students can also work with a teaching assistant, or work independently.

We also work to support students back into their usual classes, to ensure that they are fully integrated into the life of the school.

We also run interventions such as Numicon and Lexia, again to support students in being ready to access work in their usual classroom settings and make progress. I look forward to seeing you in September.

Miss Myers