Academy Day

Your day at Outwood Academy Easingwold will look very different to your day at Primary School. The timing of the day are shown below, with advice about how to manage this.

School starts for all students at 8.45 am prompt

Plan your journey:

If you walk, we suggest that you arrive through the gates no later than 8.35am, you then have a few minutes to catch up with friends before going to class.

If you are walking:

  • What time do you have to leave?

  • Where are you going to meet friends/who will you call for on the way?

If you will travel by bus:

  • What time does your bus arrive? - make sure you are 5 minutes early to the bus stop.

  • Who will you call for on the way or sit with on the bus?

Academy Timings

Period 1 - 8.45am – 9.45 am

Period 2 - 9.45am – 10.45 am

Tutor Time/Break - 10.45am – 11:20 am

Period 3 - 11.20am – 12.20 noon

Period 4/Lunch - 12.20pm – 1:50 pm

(Year 7 will take their lunch from 12.50pm – 1.20pm with half an hour of period 4 either side)

Period 5 - 1.50pm – 2.50 pm

(You should go direct to the buses at 2.50pm, to ensure everyone is on them before they leave)

Enrichment 2.50pm – 3.50 pm

(following enrichment you will need collecting from school, or you can walk home if parents are happy with this arrangement)


Also below is an example timetable, which gives you a view of what your week might look like from a lesson perspective.

Things that you find different:

  • You will move round the building and have lessons in up to 5 different areas every day. This means you have to be organised with your equipment, packing and unpacking your bag, and get used to moving sensibly round the building, students walk on the left to help, and teachers will be on most corridors when you are walking to help.

  • When you get to your classroom, you will be expected to queue up outside and wait for your teacher to invite you in, this will happen quickly don’t worry.

  • You will have a seating plan, which might mean you cannot sit next to your friends, but let's remember you are in the classroom to learn, so this is not a problem and you will swap sitting arrangements regularly.

  • You may not be class with your friends, but again this is fine. You can catch up with them at break and lunch and probably on the way to and from school. This also gives you a great opportunity to meet new friends. Someone once told me that you should not have a ‘best friend’ just lots of friends! You can always arrange to meet people if they are not in your class.

  • VMG means Vertical Mentoring Group, this is your tutor group and you will be in it with students from all year groups (up to Y11). This is really good for you as you can speak to older students and then can help you if you are worried or stuck on anything. In reality it is often the other way round as well! You will be in your VMG for 20 minutes each day, and will do some great activities.

  • Lunch is lovely for you, it is just Y7 for 30 minutes and is a great time for you to meet new friends, and enjoy the fabulous food. You will leave your things in period 4 after the first 30 minutes and then make your way to the canteen (sensibly as other lessons will still be going on). You can then choose the hot queue, cold queue or go straight in if you are packed lunch. When you have finished eating you will clear your table and then you can go and play, or go to the library, or just sit and chat to friends. It is a lovely half hour.

  • At 2.50pm you will finish the normal school day and will head to the bus park, or can leave to walk home. Detentions happen after school, but we will worry about those when we need to! If you are staying for enrichment you can go to your club at 2.50pm and these usually finish at 3.50pm, at which point you will need to be picked up or walk home.