School Meals

Our school meals are delicious!

You will find that the school canteen is different to your primary school dinners - with lots of options available every day.


Served everyday from 8.20am until 8.40am and includes cereals, milk, bacon and sausage baps , hot and cold drinks are also available.



Served mid-morning everyday and there are pizzas, hash-browns or wedges, bacon or sausage baps , ready made sandwiches, scones, teacakes, fresh fruit , yoghurts.

Assorted drinks are also available .



Served from 12.20pm until 1.50pm

Each year group has a 30 minute break for lunch.

Hot Meals

Taken on its own (i.e sweet and sour chicken and rice) , no vegetables or pudding or cake is currently £2.20 but an Easi -Deal taken with potatoes and vegetables, a cake or tray bake is offered at £2.55.

As well as the main meal choices there are also paninis, home-made soup, pasta pots and jacket potatoes with various fillings.


There is a sandwich bar with some pre-made sandwiches for a grab and go option. Other home-made bread rolls are made to order with a variety of fillings including a hot roasted meat joint (pork, beef, gammon), cheese, tuna, chicken and salad are also available everyday.

Hot and Cold Deserts

Available every lunchtime with the Easi-deal or can be bought with just a main course.


Tray bakes, cookies, scones, teacakes are available with the Easi -deal or can be bought with just a main course.

How to pay

Your parents/carers will be asked to set up an online iPay account which is linked to your thumbprint and you will pay for your food by scanning your thumbprint at the tills. That means you don't have to worry about forgetting your dinner money and your parents/carers can easily budget and keep track of your spending.

Letters about how to register for an iPay account will be sent out nearer to the start of the new school year.

We have attached the current price list below for you to have a look at but please note that prices may increase in September - its a little bit early to know about that yet.

Have a chat with your parents/carers about your daily allowance for food at school and think about how you might spread that out across the day.

What if I forget to top up my account?

Just speak to any member of staff in the canteen and they will arrange for you to get food for that day and also direct you to reception to ring home and ask a parent to top up your account.