
We all like to know when we have done a good job, and it is really important to celebrate success and progress when it is seen. At Outwood Academy Easingwold we do this in lots of ways.

Subjects will use the Praise postcards in different way to help motivate you and to tell you and your parents how well you are doing, below is some detail from the Languages Faculty, which will give you a feel of how they are used.

In Languages, we like the Praise postcards as a way to reward either sustained effort or an exceptional piece of work. Students collect Language stamps for either book work or participation in class. When students have collected 10 stamps they get them signed off by their teacher and the teacher issues a praise postcard. Students can also receive a postcard by either producing an outstanding piece of work or contribution to the life of the Languages Department such as helping at open evenings for example.

In addition to the praise postcards there are lots of other ways that we formally say well done.

- When you get your Praising Stars Report (6 times a year) we arrange a celebration event in the Library for all the students who have shown outstanding effort, and for the students who have shown a significant improvement from the previous report. We give you cake and a drink and you go into a draw for a voucher for WHSmith.

- We also share the names of the students on the Star Student Board near the dining hall and send certificates home to say how pleased we are. You might even get something nice at home when this happens.

- We reward students for positive attendance in lots of ways as well. Our major competition is our VMG (Vertical Mentoring Group) attendance world cup. This happens every half term and the winning VMG gets a celebration breakfast.

- We give out individual prizes for 100% attendance each term, tying in nicely with Christmas, Easter and Summer. And attendance is part of the improving student celebration at the end of each Praising Stars Report.

On top of all of these formal rewards, your teachers will always be looking for opportunities to give you informal praise, we find that a smiley face in your book, a thumbs up, a well done, a text or phone call home all go a long way as well.

So with that in mind, you deserve a reward for getting on this website and reading this detail.