Welcome to Outwood Academy Easingwold

Virtual Open Evening 2020

Dear Year 6 student,

Welcome to Outwood Academy Easingwold.

Our open evening is always a fantastic opportunity to view the facilities we have on offer and to meet the teachers and other staff who will be teaching you when you join us in September 2021. Sadly, our traditional open evening is not possible at the moment, but the Easingwold teachers still very much want to show you our fantastic school and the amazing opportunities we have to offer.

We have put together this website as a “virtual open day” and have included a range of videos so that you can see our subject teachers and facilities and start to feel a little more familiar with our school.

Our virtual Open Evening should answer any questions that you or your parents/carers may have about our school. However if they have any questions after the open evening then they can email enquiries@easingwold.outwood.com

Outwood Academy Easingwold is a fantastic place to come to school. We really wish that we could show you around in person but we hope that you get a real taste of this from our Open Evening.

We look forward to meeting you in person when we can!

Miss Eddery
