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Big Idea:

There are many ways families can support their community’s effort to conserve clean water. In this task children will determine how much water they can save by turning off the water while they brush their teeth. Students will develop understanding of liquid volumes and data collection as they explore ways to conserve water.

Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. Solve problems involving measurement and

conversion of measurements.


C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations

Learning Goals

We want students to learn...

  • multiplication and division of whole and rational numbers.

  • time and volume measurements and conversions.

Success Criteria

I can...

  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

  • Construct a viable argument and critique the argument of others.

  • Model with Mathematics

prior learning

Previous Math Knowledge: What prior math knowledge and experiences does this lesson consider

and/or build on?

  • Four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using numbers between 0-1000.

  • Measurement quantities

  • Understanding of rates: litres per minute, litres per day

Cultural/Community/Family Connections: How does the lesson connect to, or build on the knowledge,

practices, or experiences of children and families? On community contexts??

  • Water use in daily home activities (bathing, cooking, cleaning, watering)

  • Family/Community water conservation activities

  • Teeth brushing practices, and water use during teeth brushing.


Minds On

Show video of water use while brushing: https://youtu.be/t_GKqw7vdw8 (Stop video at 0:48 to not reveal how much water is wasted)

What do you notice? What does this video/image make you wonder about?

Have a brief class discussion.

What questions do you have? What would you need to do to answer those questions?

Sense Making and Assumption Building:

Show the video again. Consider using an anchor chart to record “math” questions using questions stems - How much? How many? How much more/less; How big/small?:

Some possible questions could include:

What mathematical questions can you ask? Or What questions do you have that you can use

mathematics to answer?

● How much water do you use when you are brushing your teeth?

● How much water do you use if you turn the water off while you are brushing?

● What if you leave the water on, then how much water do you use?


Full Modeling Task (60-90 minute):

VERSION A: Individual Student Water Conservation While Brushing Teeth

A newspaper says that you can save A LOT of water every year if you turn off the water while brushing

your teeth.

How much water can you save in one week if you turn off the water while brushing your teeth?

Questions to think about:

o What do you know?

o What do you need to find out?

o What do you need to assume?

Create a model using pictures, numbers, words and symbols that shows:

● The amount of water you save each time you brush your teeth if you turn off the water

● The amount of water you would save in one week

VERSION B: Class Water Conservation While Brushing Teeth

A newspaper says that you can save A LOT of water every year if you turn off the water while brushing

your teeth.

How much water can our class save in one day if we all turn off the water while brushing our teeth?

How much water can we save in one week?

Questions to think about:

o What do you know?

o What do you need to find out?

o What do you need to assume?

Create a model to support your argument.

You can use pictures, numbers and words in your model.

VERSION C: Family Water Conservation While Brushing Teeth

A newspaper says that you can save A LOT of water every year if you turn off the water while brushing

your teeth.

Your friend claims that in one month his family can fill up 100 buckets with the water they waste while

brushing their teeth.

Do you believe him? What could make his claim reasonable?

Create a model to support your argument.

You can use pictures, numbers and words in your model.

Consolidation Of Learning

Gallery walk of student strategies and results. You can also use these sample student responses as exemplars during the consolidation. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NztUn9KTpww9B-PTc1j6eXd9T2kaYCFP/view?usp=sharing


Anecdotal Observations - Peer assessment and feedback

Formative Assessment Rubric: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_N7BDdYb2bgTTY4cEtRU3p1WEU/view?usp=sharing