Personality Quiz Result:

Reluctant Reader

You are Real

When it comes to life in the real world, you do pretty well, but you and your friends don't always see how school relates to life. This causes you to struggle with motivation in some of your classes, especially if they require a lot of time and practice. Don't be afraid to ask your teachers why you have to learn concepts you see as pointless. You might be surprised how practical they actually are.

You're an Observer

You're not one to take the lead on a class project, but you will watch and learn others until you're ready to try it yourself. This may make you feel slower than your peers, but it's really just about your confidence taking time to build. Make sure you contribute to group projects by asking your team for a specific task and contribute to class by asking your teacher how you can improve.

You Can Make an Impact

Because you're so practical, you'll excel in hands-on electives like art, music, autoshop, or engineering. There are also many STEM activities after school that you can get involved in. Once you get involved in some tangible projects, you'll see just how much of those basics you're learning from class are needed to get things done in the real world.

Is STEM Right for You?

Find out what STEM is and whether or not it's the right path for your real world skillset.

How to Boost Your Confidence

Learn how to build your confidence, so succeeding in class becomes as easy as the rest of your life.

How to Control Your Motivation

Find out how to motivate yourself to do well in class and in other challenges that life provides.