Personality Quiz Result:

Language Arts Leader

You Take the Lead

You're a natural born leader, and you don't mind taking on the job. Whether in class, after school, or at home, you're the one who's getting things done or making sure they're done right. Because of your confidence, people are happy to follow you and benefit from your proven results. Don't be surprised if your teachers often make you a group leader in class.

You Think Outside the Box

You are a creative thinker, which means you're great at coming up with ideas for stories, projects, and presentations. When it comes to group work, your team leans on you for problem solving and maybe even the art work. Your creativity also makes you a smart reader who can add a lot of deep thought to class discussions, so get ready for teachers to call on you to get the conversation started.

You Control the Future

Your academic skills and passion for success make you a shoe-in for student council positions, club/sport leadership, and eventually, maybe even valedictorian. Following this path could take your life into much more serious and powerful leadership roles in your career, but you don't have to wait. Teens like you are already speaking out to make their world and future more secure.

Famous Teen Leaders

Find out how modern day teens just like you are using social media to raise awareness and move millions to march.

How to be a Teen Activist

Find out how to be an activist for your own cause with steps for everything you need to know to start a campaign from the ground up.

What Makes a Great Leader?

Find out what millenials like you and your friends want in a leader, so you can strive to be the best leader for your generation.