Author's Craft Units

Literary Device Identification, Analysis, & Application

Below you will find overviews for lessons as wells as links to the materials you'll need to carry out each one. - REMEMBER - When borrowing Google Slides, Docs, Sheets, etc., you will need to open the file and go to File, Make a Copy to make your own editable version.

Unit Lessons & Activities

Author's Craft Meme Lesson

Introduce your students to all the basic literary devices with some hilarious memes in this interactive, teen-friendly Pear Deck Google Slideshow lesson. Then let them explore using literary devices on their own with a class meme contest for homework.

Teacher Materials:

Author's Craft in Poetry

Use this interactive Pear Deck Google Slideshow to guide your students through identifying literary devices in poetry with Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," and then let them write their own poetry for homework and an extra credit poetry reading.

Teacher Materials:

Author's Craft in Short Stories

Use this interactive Pear Deck Slideshow to guide your students through identifying literary devices in short stories with this very current and highly-relevant 1-page story, "Maya's Eyes," to prepare them for the upcoming quiz and state tests.

Teacher Materials:

Craft Casino

Play this in-class Google Slideshow game with any piece of literature! Put students into 4 teams and let them place bets on which literary devices they can identify in the next page or two. Mute correct players to give the rest of their team a chance to identify the next device.

Teacher Materials:

Literary Chairs

Play this in-class Pear Deck Google Slides game with any piece of literature! When reading stops, students drop markers onto the literary device most relevant to the text. The teacher locks student markers, and those not on the right device are out until the next round.

Teacher Materials:

Author's Craft Bingo

Play this in-class game with any piece of literature! Each student chooses an online Bingo card with random literary devices. As the teacher reads, the students note author's craft and mark their corresponding squares until someone wins.

Teacher Materials:

Unit Closers

Literary Device Kahoot Review

Review literary devices before the quiz with a game of Kahoot either live in class or assigned as homework. This Kahoot gives students a sentence and then asks them to identify which literary device is used.

Teacher Materials:

Author's Craft Short Story Quiz

Test your students' learning of literary devices with a reading of the short story "Big Hero" and a 5-question quiz using Google Forms.

Teacher Materials: