Speak Out!


The Speak Out Project is your chance to do something about the problems you see in the world. Choose an online service project that will help you speak out about something important and make an impact. Be prepared to publish your project online in some form and present it or your results to the class. When considering which project to choose, ask yourself, "Who do you want to be when it comes to making a difference?"


Create a piece of art in any medium that explores a real life theme you feel needs focus.

Social Media Influencer

Create a social media page or group that is meant to be a safe space for victims.

Web Designer

Build a Google Sites webpage with resources to help victims speak out and recover from trauma.


Create a PSA YouTube video that raises awareness about an issue that's important to you.


Raise money or gather supplies for people in need and donate them to your community.

Game Developer

Make a Google Slides game that teaches other students what to do to prevent, stop, help, etc.


Survey at least 100 students about important issues and publish your findings.


Produce a song that speaks about an issue that's important to you.