
The Importance of Consent

It is important to understand that sexual consent is necessary at any age, including during the teenage years. Teenagers often feel pressured to give consent, but they should know that being pushed into agreeing to sex is NOT considered consent.

Informed Consent

Consenting and asking for consent are all about setting your personal boundaries and respecting those of your partner — and checking in if things aren’t clear. Both people must enthusiastically agree to sex — every single time — for it to be consensual.

Age of Consent

In certain states, it's important to know that teenagers are too young to give informed sexual consent. This means that even if two teenagers enthusiastically agree to having sex, legally, consent cannot be given and the law could consider it a crime, which could result in arrests and even convictions.

Learn More about Sexual Consent

In this video, teens talk about what sexual consent means when it comes to teenage relationships.