Speak Vocabulary

1st Marking Period

obscene: offensive to the mind

abstinence: act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite

savant: a learned person

thespian: a theatrical performer

faction: a dissenting clique

indoctrination: teaching someone to accept beliefs uncritically

demerit: a mark against a person or group for misconduct or failure

humble: marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful

testament: strong evidence for something

insulate: surround with material to protect from heat, cold, or noise

inconspicuous: not prominent or readily noticeable

varsity: the top team at a high school or university

sanctuary: a shelter from danger or hardship

flee: run away quickly

canopy: a covering (usually of cloth) that shelters an area

bellow: shout loudly and without restraint

errant: straying from the right course or from accepted standards

alcove: a small recess opening off a larger room

wan: deficient in color suggesting physical or emotional distress

pseudo: not genuine but having the appearance of

scheme: form intrigues in an underhand manner

intimidated: made scared or fearful as by threats

rally: a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm

potpourri: a jar of mixed flower petals and spices used as perfume

incite: urge on; cause to act

mayhem: violent and needless disturbance

flounder: behave awkwardly or with difficulty

patron: someone who supports or champions something

blather: talk foolishly

interim: the time between one event, process, or period and another

deprive: keep from having, keeping, or obtaining

interrogation: an instance of questioning

baffle: be a mystery or bewildering to

ensemble: a coordinated outfit (set of clothing)

squabble: argue over petty things

splurge: indulge oneself

frenzy: state of violent mental agitation

abduct: take away to an undisclosed location against their will

embroider: decorate with needlework

rumor: gossip passed around by word of mouth

2nd Marking Period

ecology: study of the relations of organisms to their environment

endangered: in imminent threat of extinction

slaughter: a sound defeat

buccaneer: someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea

patriarch: the male head of family or tribe

refurbish: improve the appearance or functionality of

conjugate: add inflections showing person, number, gender, or tense

unpredictable: unknown in advance

immigration: movement of people into a country or area

intolerant: unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion

xenophobic: having abnormal fear or hatred of foreigners

eloquent: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

harried: troubled persistently, especially with petty annoyances

anonymous: having no known name or identity or known source

wince: draw back, as with fear or pain

bleak: offering little or no hope

anthropologist: a social scientist specializing in the study of humanity

rummage: search haphazardly

homely: without artificial refinement or elegance

incompetence: lack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications

violation: an act that disregards an agreement or a right

illegible: unable to be read

amber: of a medium to dark brownish yellow color

floe: a flat mass of ice drifting at sea

downtrodden: abused or oppressed by people in power

demure: shy or modest, often in a playful or provocative way

dribble: propel a ball by repeated taps or kicks

humiliation: strong feelings of embarrassment

tentacle: a flexible appendage adapted for grasping or feeling

vermilion: of a vivid red to reddish-orange color

retention: the power of holding back liquid

demented: affected with madness or insanity

grammar: the branch of linguistics that deals with sentence structure

gnarled: old and twisted and covered in lines

dormant: inactive but capable of becoming active

cue: a reminder for some action or speech

apparently: seemingly; as far as one can tell

abysmal: very great; limitless

chisel: an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge

menacing: threatening evil or danger

3rd Marking Period

budget: a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose

fumble: feel about uncertainly or blindly

trudge: walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud

conundrum: a difficult problem

decent: sufficient for the purpose

tenure: give life-time employment to

full-fledged: having gained complete status

seep: pass gradually or leak or as if through small openings

reputation: the general estimation that the public has for a person

spangled: covered with beads or jewels or sequins

consequence: the outcome of an event

asylum: a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced people

bigoted: blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion

misdemeanor: a crime less serious than a felony

felony: a serious crime, such as murder or arson

colleague: an associate that one works with

pluck: pull lightly but sharply

shard: a broken piece of a brittle artifact

venison: meat from a deer used as food

carcass: the dead body of an animal

obnoxious: causing disapproval or protest

dissect: cut open or cut apart

germinate: sprout; produce buds or branches

strategy: an elaborate and systematic plan of action

vulnerable: capable of being wounded or hurt

gauzy: so thin as to transmit light

harem: living quarters for wives in some Muslim households

titter: laugh nervously

wistful: showing pensive sadness

banshee: a female spirit who wails to warn of impending death

analyze: consider in detail in order to discover essential features

psychiatric: relating to the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders

jabber: rapid and indistinct speech

deranged: driven insane

gargoyle: an ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure

4th Marking Period

petition: a formal request that something be submitted to an authority

tenacious: stubbornly unyielding

tension: a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense

profoundly: to a great depth psychologically

alien: a person who comes from a foreign country

genetics: the study of heredity and variation in organisms

momentum: an impelling force or strength

blight: any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting

muse: the source of an artist's inspiration

rambling: straying from the main point or covering a range of subjects

suffragette: a woman advocate of women's right to vote

scowl: frown with displeasure

escort: accompany

quantum: the smallest discrete quantity of some physical property

tactic: a plan for attaining a particular goal

delinquency: an antisocial misdeed in violation of the law by a minor

toxic: of or relating to or caused by a poison

coax: influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

callus: a skin area that is thick or hard from continual pressure

obtain: receive a specified treatment

exemption: immunity from an obligation or duty

sleazy: morally degraded

maladjusted: emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships

pry: move or force in an effort to get something open

indenture: bind by a contract for work, as an apprentice or servant

chenille: a heavy fabric woven from soft tufted cord

leper: a pariah who is avoided by others

afghan: a blanket knitted or crocheted in strips or squares

allegedly: according to what has been declared but not proved

loathsome: highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust