Using and Understanding Medical Statistics (Matthews)

Table of Contents


1 Basic Concepts

2 Tests of Significance

3 Fisher’s Test for 2 X 2 Contingency Tables

4 Approximate Significance Tests for Contingency Tables

5 Some Warnings Concerning 2 X 2 Tables

6 Kaplan-Meier or ‘Actuarial’ Survival Curves

7 The Log-Rank or Mantel-Haenszel Test for the Comparison of Survival Curves

8 An Introduction to the Normal Distribution

9 Analyzing Normally Distributed Data

10 Linear Regression Models for Medical Data

11 Binary Logistic Regression

12 Regression Models for Count Data

13 Proportional Hazards Regression

14 The Analysis of Longitudinal Data

15 Analysis of Variance

16 Data Analysis

17 The Question of Sample Size

18 The Design of Clinical Trials

19 Further Comments Regarding Clinical Trials

20 Meta-Analysis

21 Epidemiological Applications

22 Diagnostic Tests

23 Agreement and Reliability