Daily Arrangements

School Hours

Students are expected to be in school by 8:40 a.m. and should not leave the school site once they have arrived by coach or car. Likewise, students travelling by train, or walking to school, should not stop to visit the shops in Amersham, but make their way directly to the school site. Similarly students travelling home by coach should not go into town prior to the coach’s departure.

School hours are:

8:45 am – 12:35 pm
1:35 pm – 3:40 pm

There is a mid-morning break of 20 minutes.

Students may not leave the school site during the day unless they have permission to do so.

School Closure in the Event of an Emergency

In the exceptional circumstances that it becomes necessary to close the school, for example due to extreme weather conditions, this will be clearly posted on the school website as soon as the decision is taken and as early as possible in the morning. Parents should avoid phoning the school if at all possible. On enrolment parents are asked to specify whether their child has permission to proceed home without specific contact in the event of an emergency. Please ensure the school knows if you are not happy for your child to make their own way home in the case of emergency closure during the day.