Mobile Phones

We advise that students should not bring mobile phones into school. Students can request permission from Matron or a member of the SDO to use a school phone. Parents are requested not to contact their children during the school day - this has led to phones being confiscated. Urgent messages can be passed onto students by calling the school. If it is essential that your child has a mobile phone for the journey to and from school or for after school activities, phones are brought in at the student’s own risk and must be switched off for the whole day and kept safely in the student’s locker. Any student seen with a mobile phone in school will have his phone confiscated for seven consecutive days. Should a student be seen using a phone, or should the phone ring during a lesson, the phone will be confiscated and a sanction will be issued.

Under no circumstances should a mobile phone be used on the school site for photographing or videoing – this is absolutely forbidden.

Parents should be aware that whilst there may be benefits in a student having a mobile phone outside of school, there are also some risks of loss, theft or even bullying.

Further information about the safe use of mobile phones can be obtained from