Adaptive PE

The role of the Adapted Physical Education Teacher is to diagnose those students who qualify for needed services due to medical, physical and/or cognitive disability and the lack of being able to successfully achieve standards via the regular Physical Education curriculum. The APE Teacher must remain current on Physical Education Standards within the school district and all mandatory district assessments and be able to modify accordingly to individual students needs. Services include but are not limited to the regular P.E. class, separate small group, one-on-one instruction, and consultation with various educational staff for the purpose of student achievement. Diagnosis is determined by testing, observation, and professional consultations. Services are delivered according to the confines of an Individualized Education Plan and within all Physical Education environments (school gymnasium and/or classroom, community facilities, and swimming pools).

There are two Adapted P.E. Teachers that provide all direct and consultative services to students with special needs within Campbell County School District #1. These direct and consultative services include testing and reporting on progress, attending IEP meetings, providing services, communicating with staff and parents, and traveling to any and/or all of the 24 schools in the district on a weekly basis. Depending upon individual student needs, the Adapted P.E. Teacher could travel to up to 5 schools on any given day. In addition, the Adapted P.E. Teacher has an ever changing schedule depending upon school swim schedule rotations, as swimming and water safety are current Campbell County District #1 outcomes for students.

With Physical Education being considered a core area directly related to graduation, Adapted Physical Education is considered a stand-alone service in the area of special education, once eligibility criteria is met. As a result, other duties of the Adapted Physical Education Teacher include acting as case manager for students who receive Adapted P.E. as their only area of special education. This includes scheduling and running the annual IEP meetings and providing necessary information to all involved staff for the particular student. 

Even with all the duties of the Adapted Physical Education Teacher, the ultimate goal is to provide the most appropriate physical education in the most least restrictive environment possible according to each and every student’s unique needs. 

Robyn Fink

I received my Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education (Teaching/K-12) with a secondary major in Health (Teaching secondary level) from the University of Wyoming.  I received my Master of Kinesiology with emphasis in Adapted Physical Education (Teaching K-12) at Indiana University. I have taught a combination of Adapted Physical Education and Elementary Physical Education for 18 years in both Campbell County School District #1 and Natrona County School District #1.

I love working with the kids!  The students I serve are awesome and I wouldn't trade them for the world.  I also enjoy seeing a variety of schools, so being itinerant is perfect for me.

My hobby is travelling to and watching any and all of my kids' activities.  They are my joy and my life.

Rebecca Richardson

I have a BS Degree in K-12 Physical Education and Health with an Endorsement in K-12 Adapted Physical Education and an MS Degree in K-12 Administration. I have worked for CCSD #1 since 2006.

I enjoy working with students with special needs.  Having the opportunity to help students learn; to watch them make gains and grow is truly gratifying. 

My hobbies and interests include family, sports, fitness, baking, crafts, travel, outdoor recreation, community service and church.